I'm trying to steel myself for tomorrow. Somehow we lucked out this weekend. Husband and Baby Girl have been out of work/school since Wednesday. 5 entire days with no schedules, no fighting to get out the door in time, nothing major to do. And tomorrow it all ends. It was fun while it lasted.
Yesterday I woke up to a dead duck in the front yard. Molly, Vader, and Stripes are all on my list right now. Killing a chicken is a major offence. My ducks are sacred! And it was one of my 2 favorite ducks...Not a happy Farm Wife right now... And Chloe is missing. There are no signs of foul play (sorry, couldn't stop it...it just came out), and no signs of the goose. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I'm a tad confused by it. She was too big for the dogs to get, maybe the coyotes...
We went to town this morning to play at the park and pick up some necessities at Wal-Mart. It wasn't really warm, so the playing was short lived. I did pick up a clematis to train up the side of our old hay rake and some wild flower mix to fill in the bare spots in the yard. I'm just hoping the seeds survive the ducks and chickens...not holding my breath. We covered them with straw to try to give them a fighting chance.
I also picked up The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe at the store. We watched it as soon as we got home. Baby Girl loved it. #1 Son just wanted to see Aslan. B.B. couldn't care less. Husband watched it rather intently. He kept asking me questions and I refused to answer them. I keep forgetting, not everyone has known the entire plot since they were 4 years old.
We're back to watching Larry-Boy rather obsessively again. #1 Son is still telling everyone his name is "Larry-Boy have super-suction ears, and a purple hat, and a suit!" and B.B. (whom he only refers to as "the little one") is Junior. Then he runs around yelling, "I-AM-THAT-HERO!" and ,"DY-NO-MITE!" I just hope he grows out of it before he starts school!
I'd say with dogs running around to pester her that Chloe has "flew the coop." Parden the pun.
I was afraid my kids would be afraid of the movie. But then I've heard a couple of Girl's friends saying they've seen it. But they're boys...What do you think for a almost 5 Girl and 2.5 Boy?
I now have the Larry Boy theme song going through my head (yes- I don't have children but I know know the theme song by heart ;) ). If I ever meet #1 son, I will sing it while he does he stands looking heroic.
Sorry to hear of the missing and deceased fowl.
Love the pun!
Poor goose...the poultrygeist may have gotten her!
Cate, LOL! I had forgotten about the poultrygeist!
Em, My kids loved it. Parts can get a little intense, but nothing worse than some Disney films. You may want to watch it first...my kids will watch almost anything.
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