April 7, 2006

Let's Break Out!

Will someone please tell my skin that I am going to be 30 in just over a month. It seems to think I'm 17. Aren't you supposed to grow out of acne? Or is that just another lie our health teachers fed us our freshman years to keep us from throwing in the towel?

My Aunt D once told me that as a result of my skin issues, when I'm 50 won't look it. If she's any indication of this, when I'm 50 I'll have the skin of a 35 year old. Right now I'd like to have the skin of a 30 year old...

When I see Puff Daddy, or P. Diddy, or Puffy, or Diddy, or what ever it is he's going by these days, on his Pro-Actif commercials, I just want to laugh. Poor baby, sporting his single pimple on the red carpet. It must have been so damaging to him. He must have had to go out and spend a few grand just to put it all behind him.

I have nothing against people with good skin. Some of my dearest friends have porcelain complexions (Art...). What irritates me is when I see a beautiful girl with a single pimple complaining of a break out. Or a woman with shallow laugh lines having Botox. I had cystic acne in high school. My cheeks were purple with it. I guess I shouldn't complain about my skin now, it's 10 times better than it was. And I wasn't left with deep scars. But still...a girl can dream of peaches and cream...no foundation...no cover up...just moisturize and go...ahh, that would be the life!


zann said...

oh I can relate. I haven't out-grown it yet either. In fact mine are now picking strange places to show up as well (in my eyebrow, and in my ear at the moment and it isn't even that time of the month- which is when they usually pick weird spots to pop up) but I even had one of my four year olds in my SS class ask me "what'r those pink things on your chin?" Apparently my make-up had worn off by that time. So I feel your pain. I hope what your aunt said is true. And may I say Pro-Active may have worked for PDiddy and Jessica Simpson but I even tried that stuff and all it did was turn me redder and itchy. Boo -Hiss - maybe if you are a one pimple person but in my experience it didn't touch my kind of acne.

Sarah said...

I hear ya! Pregnancy and breastfeeding have left my hormones in a wrecked state, and it's leaving it's mark on my face! My doc just gave me a topical erythromycin (safe to take while bf'ing), but in my opinion, it hasn't helped an iota... I HATE PIMPLES!

Inkling said...

I'm with you too! Not only did I have to figure out my cycle to schedule the wedding, but I also had to consider when my face would be less irritated. With the advent of the new pill I'm on, zits are appearing in other strange places......like where J.G. once was concerned. Maybe if I'd just get enough, that would "fill my cup". =) Ugh! Being in your 30's and dealing with zits is sad and wrong. I'm so sorry you're dealing with it. At least you don't have cellulite hanging off your butt......(don't you just love my comforting words?!)

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I always had good skin, until I turned 30, so I hear ya!

Jody said...

Ugh! I am right there with you! I am 41 and still breaking out once a month! SO frustrating.....it just doesn't seem fair to have to have it as an adult too! LOL

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

I too had the same thing in high school and then again at 30....The best part is after 33 YOUR SKIN will be wonderful and peaches and cream will make you look flawless. I have had no make up skin now for the last ten years, just lashes and lip gloss...I just KNOW your skin will be fine in no time... I had skin cancer 2 years ago... The doctor told me the best thing for your face is cranberry and grape juices....I have had one or the other daily since...perfect skin!

Anonymous said...

I remember saying that I would like a clear face before I wrinkled. It didn't happen.
We just all need to go to Jamaica.