Any body need an aloe plant? I have 11. Not exactly sure what to do with them. Currently they're all sitting in my window. I'm not really sure why, but I seem to be very good at growing aloes. I started with one puny, dying little plant about 4 or 5 years ago. I now have to re-pot them semi-annual and give them away with regular frequency. I'm not that fond of aloe. They're terribly useful, but really, how often does one get burnt? If anyone knows of anything other than first aid that they're good for, I'd love to know!
Tulips on the other hand, I fail miserably at. I adore tulips. They may very well be my favorite flower. They remind me of Audrey Hepburn. They're tall and graceful and simple and elegant. And I can kill them like nobody's business. I'm not sure if it's me killing them, or the dogs stepping on them. Mama bought me some beautiful ruffled tulips two years ago. They don't stand a chance. Every time one gets tall enough to bloom, it gets stepped on. And I planted 15 Giant red tulips from Brecks last fall. I have one. One lone tulip in the middle of my front yard. It looks so sad out there. The other 14 never even came up. I may just throw in the towel...then again, maybe not...I do so love tulips.
Since I've been reminiscing we've had an interesting week. The eggs in the incubator began
And now Molly's pups are dying. We went to town today and put adds in the paper to sell off the pups and the piglets. When we got home, Husband found his favorite pup dead by the dog house. All the pups look ill, and none of them are acting right. We have no clue what happened, but Husband said he'd be surprised if any of them made it till morning. Luckily the paper let us pull the add. I'd have hated to answer the phone calls with that news.
#1 Son's nose is doing well. While we didn't see him fall, it seems he hit his nose on the window sill. He looks no worse for the wear. No black eyes, no bruising to speak of...just a broken nose. Has it slowed him down? Not a bit. He's still jumping off the furniture in an attempt to save Bumblyburg from the Fib from Outer Space. Hid father may go into cardiac arrest before his nose has time to heal.
Chicks dying one gets used to, but puppies ... that's sad.
Did you know you can eat aloe. I'm assuming you didn't. I didn't until I came to Japan. It's cut into little clear cubes and put in pudding and yogurt and you can even drink aloe juice. I'm sure they put it in some other stuff too I just haven't run across it yet. It actually tastes quite good.
So if you want to add some Asian flair to you diet just let me know and I'll try to find out more about how to prepare it. :)
I've just read chpts. 4 and 5, and you couldn't have torn me away from the computer...all these people in the news looking for adventure scaling mountains, going around the world in balloons, diving to the depths of the oceans...but these don't hold a candle to the adventure you're living out on the farm.
And I love to read about it!!!
Sorry about the puppies, and I had no idea chicks flip.
That last comment was Cate's. For some reason it posted twice. I have to say I wondered about being able to eat Aloe...sounds interesting.
Cate, I'm glad you enjoyed them. I just read all 5 chapters to Husband...it's a little overwhelming that way!
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