March 20, 2006

Showers of Blessings

Yesterday was Inkling's Wedding Shower and it was BEAUTIFUL! Her Best Friend (IBF) and our Aunt A. put it all together. IBF found paper plates with purple flowers that just screamed INKLING!!!!

There was only 1 game and it was tough, especially for those of us inclined to the verbose. We had to go around the room and say who we were to Inkling and give her 1 word of advice. That's it. Just 1 word. Just a sample of the words: Patience (that was mine), Laugh, Romance, Pray, Compromise, Smile, Forgive...There were lots more, but I don't remember them. I highly suggest it for showers. IBF first said we were going to dress her up in toilet paper and Inkling nearly choked...She's not the shower game type.

She stood up and told her and Henry David's love story. It's beautiful. If you want to know it, I suggest going to her blog and checking back in early posts. She wrote about it there. Then she showed a short video of photos of him, them, and some breathtaking scenery they saw when she first went to visit.

Her mom stood up and told about Henry David's life. It hasn't been an easy one. Hopefully Inkling will write about it soon...hint, hint. And then she opened gifts...Or rather Baby Girl and IBF's little girl opened them and Inkling helped.

It was one of, if not the best shower I've ever been to. I'm sure she'll have lots to say about it on her blog. Above is the gift I gave her...One of them. You can see the others on Nudge-Nudge. It's a "Date in a Box."
~A blanket to cuddle up in.
~Movies for entertainment.
~Popcorn, because what's a movie without popcorn.
~A puzzle and a deck of cards in case they get tired of the movies.
~Candles for romance.
~A CD of romantic music to set the mood.
~And Chapstick...Because they just might need it.
I think she liked it.

Oh, and yesterday she asked Baby Girl to be a flower girl. There are going to be 3 because Inkling and Henry David are very blessed in the small friends department. Baby Girl is over the moon about it. One flower girl (IBF's daughter, Cinderella if you've read Inkling) is recently 3 and Baby Girl is taking her under her wing. She plans on passing down her Flower Girl Knowledge to Cinderella. I cannot wait to see them in their dresses!!!

Oh, and Inkling, I just want to assure you that I am not at all offended that I am not a brides maid. I think your choices were perfect, and I couldn't be happier for you! Does it seem real yet?


Ragged Around the Edges said...

How exciting! I love the gift idea and I am gonna steal it if you don't mind.

Brando said...

I also love the gift idea. I love to give baksets of fun stuff. Regular baskets Needles not Longaberger baskets! Great idea for a "date night basket" and who doesn't love French Kiss... The movie for all you boys. Hee Hee

FarmWife said...

Ragged and Brando,
I'd be flattered. Steal Away! I just tried to think of some of the stuff Husband and I did when we were first married and had no money. That's what I came up with.

Inkling said...

Farm Wife, as I told you on the phone, you rock! Your gifts (the Nudge, Nudge ones and the Date in a Box) are totally creative, and priceless. Your whole blogging community needs to know that I have the coolest cousin in the world. And don't forget to mention that you placed a "Top Ten" list as a part of the box. =)

p.s. Yes, it's starting to seem kind of real. When our premarital counseling session kicks off tomorrow evening, it will definitely be real. (Just pray I get my room cleaned before then.....) =) I love you!

Nan said...

Love the basket...want to share the "Top Ten" list?

Farm Fairy & Bruno said...

Holy moly what a great weekend you had and that gift is so perfect..