Isn't she Beautiful? She'd my first official spring flower. She even survived the cold snap last night. The vast majority of my flowers are compliments of Husband's Uncle E. When we moved in our yard was a big mud pile. We had the house built in the spring and since the yard was a former hay field, not much could be done to prevent the mud.
The first summer we lived here I would come home to find new flowers had just appeared. Many a Saturday morning I would awake to Uncle E. and at least one of his offspring digging in my yard. They planted lilies, hostas, lilies of the valley, irises, vinca, violets, day lilies, crocuses, even a flowering almond and a cherry tree. I can't imagine what our landscaping would have cost if we'd have done it ourselves. His flowers needed to be moved/divided/thinned out, and we reaped the benefits. He even mulched everything last year!
I have a doctor's appointment this month. Nothing big, just my yearly visit to my OBGYN. I don't mind going. I love my doctor. I love his nurse. They've been with me through 3 pregnancies (he delivered both the boys, she was my last doctor's nurse and has been with me through all 3 pregnancies). But last night I had the strangest dream about it. When I got to the doctor's office, he had retired. And who was taking over his practice? Sharon Osborn...As in Ozzy and Sharon!! She was the new head of obstetrics at the hospital. Maybe I'm sleeping too much.
I can now put all three kids in bed awake. And all 3 are sleeping through the night. The dog is even sleeping until daylight. This is so odd, I haven't slept like this in 5 years!
And for the first time in 5 years and 5 months I am not nursing and or pregnant. And I have not been for a full month. I'm not sure what to do with myself.
Luke had to move out yesterday. He had given up the whole house breaking thing for Lent. I keep trying to tell him we're not Catholic, but he's not listening. With 3 sick children, I couldn't handle him as well. Aurora has the house breaking down pretty well. She doesn't always let me know she has to go out, but she gives enough cues that she's only had about 3 accidents in the past 2 weeks. She's laid back and fairly quiet. Luke was pretty aggressive (towards Aurora only) and had quit waiting to go out. Saturday he peed on the floor 3 times in under a minute (I didn't have a chance to get him out)!
It's much less stressful around here now. Thank You, Lord!!!
How cool that your family kicked in to help get the yard together!
Sleep! I'm jealous! Pumpkin slept 11 hours IN A ROW last night, so I'm hopign we're in recovery mode right now.
Congrats on your spring flowers. See, spring wasn't too far behind for you! And with all your creatures, I believe you have PLENTY to do without nursing or being pregnant!
now if we can just keep that trend going for just another couple of months.....we can have some tasty fun at a winery near me! =)
He had given up the whole house breaking thing for Lent. LOL! I'm rolling. Funny.
Our beagle Katie was given as a surprise gift last Christmas. What grown adult gives a family with four small children without a dog, dog house, or dog food a SURPRISE puppy in the dead of winter? But I digress ... as soon as it was warm enough she was so out of the house. Her throwing up on my kitchen floor after I had just cleaned up yet another pee puddle... just minutes before church mind you ... was the very last straw. She's now a happy little outside farm dog.
Love the flower by the way. We currently have snow on the ground. Blah.
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