Baby Girl picked the hummingbird out at Rural King Monday. #1 Son has a blue bird, but I couldn't get them both in the same shot (without moving one, and that would have taken effort). Yes, that is a pink bathroom sink in the background. Husband's cousin remodeled her bathroom, and I inherited it last summer. I love it! But I'm not sure what to plant in it. It's in the shade and needs to be some type of ground cover so you can still see the sink.
B.B. has been rather inventive today. You may remember a few weeks back when he kept pulling the card out of the satellite receiver. One day last week, he put the card in the DVD player. Husband had to take the cover off to get it out. Today I came in from feeding the chickens some kitchen scraps and the satellite wasn't working and B.B. was standing in my computer chair.
I looked everywhere for the satellite card. Husband came in and said it was probably in the DVD player, he'd take it apart as soon as he got cleaned up. Got it apart and discovered it wasn't in there. I asked B.B. where it was and he walked to the computer. We looked all around it and in the CD and DVD drives and didn't see anything. I asked him 2 more times, and both times he walked to the computer. Then he quit trying to tell me and just sat in the floor and watched Husband and I tear the living room apart looking. We just knew it couldn't be in there, there was no where to put it.
Suddenly Husband says, "Have you tried to use the computer since you came in?" I'd used the CD drive, but not the DVD drive. Sure enough, it wouldn't work. Husband had to take the entire tower apart to get the card out.
Neither of us are really computer literate (I just learned to rip music and burn CD's last night) and I was afraid that was going to be the end of it all. No more internet, no more e-mail, but worst of all, NO MORE BLOG!!!! I think I may have just curled up and died! Thank goodness Husband is mechanically inclined if not technologically inclined.
Farm Wife, thanks for the sentiment on my blog. I love you too, and thanks for loving me even when I'm in a yucky funk.
As for the pink sink....what about pansies or impatiens? Don't they both like the shade? I know it's not ground cover, but it's an idea. Now, if we could just get your mom to relenquish G-ma M&M's clawfoot tub......
At Chez Ragged, we call that "crisis averted".
I think creeping phlox might look nice frothing out of the sink. :)
...but worst of all, NO MORE BLOG!!!! I think I may have just curled up and died! It would've been hard on us all ... truly. :-)
Glad you enjoyed yesterday's post! And I know exactly what you mean -- everytime I pick up the boys from my parents' house, Mom says, "They were angels until you walked in. I don't know what's gotten into them!" I think you might need a plexiglass cabinet around your satellite box with a deadbolt lock. I'm considering doing that with my CPU because Hunterman keeps putting it to sleep when I leave the room.
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