Just to prove to Halleyville that I don't always go out into the horse lot in flip flops, here are the family boots. Mine are the green ones, second from the end (Husband calls them "Pig Boots" because they're shorter than other work boots). I love the little red ones! My aunt and uncle buy them for their little nieces on her side of the family. When the girls out grow them, they get passed down to my babies.
Since I have nothing to discuss today...Yet...I'm going to take Inkling's suggestion and have a virtual Tea Party today. So pull up a chair, grab a cup of Earl Grey, a scone, and let's chat. To take a page from Ragged's National De-Lurking day post, I'll start with a few questions. If you've been hanging out in the shadows now's the time to come foreword and introduce yourself.
#1. What's your name (preferably virtual since that's how we play around here) and how did you come to find our funny little farm?
I don't think I have to answer this. It's pretty obvious.
#2. Do you blog? If so where? If not, why not? If you'd like you can even list a few of your favorite blogs.
I think I can skip this one too. My favorites are all on the side.
#3. What do you take in your tea?
I like my tea with milk and sugar, but lemon and honey will do just fine too.
#4. What is your current obsession? Don't act like you don't understand the question, we all have different obsessions at different times.
Currently I'm obsessed with Great Danes, potty training, the "to knit or not to knit" debate, blogging, and chickens.
#5. What were you doing on May 27, 1994?
Standing on a football field with 360 of my closest friends...Sort of. It was graduation.
#6. Do you have any secrets to share over a cup of tea?
If you've been here long, you probably know them all already.
I guess that'll do for now. I should mention that this was partly for my benefit and partly for Inkling's. She's shy and wants to meet my friends! Enjoy! I'll bring out the crumpets in a minute.
I wanna play, but I hope it's ok that I am not dressed for a tea party.
#1. What's your name (preferably virtual since that's how we play around here) and how did you come to find our funny little farm?
I am Ragged Around the Edges and I found this here fair site because you first visited me and I wanted to return the favor.
#2. Do you blog? If so where? If not, why not? If you'd like you can even list a few of your favorite blogs.
I do indeed blog and you can vind me at www.raggedaroundtheedges.blogspot.com.
I have oodles of faves and they ar eall listed along my sidebar as well.
#3. What do you take in your tea?
I like honey or unprocessed sugar.
#4. What is your current obsession?
Being as I am continually obsessive-compulsive, this could be a long list: knitting (of course), blogging (of course), home renovation. . . Let's just stop there.
#5. What were you doing on May 27, 1994?
I was living in my first apartment all on my own, working for a newspaper and probably alseep.
#6. Do you have any secrets to share over a cup of tea?
Oh, we'd have to add something to that tea to get me to "spill" my secrets.
I want a pair of RED ones!!!! I knew you had to have boots, all funny farms do you know.....
#1 Real name::::: Temera the Halleyville Ranch farm fairy
my friend thought I was you or is it the other way around?
#3 Tea: Fuchon Apple tea from France w/ raw sugar or honey
#2 Blog: yes daily
#4 Currant obsessions: ??? Do I Really have to pick? okay, coffee, buluga dog, small fleeting secret calls with hubby, yummy soaps and hand made socks from Liz's mom (susan)
#5 May 27,1994: Good God I don't even know where I was last month...
#6 secret: at the moment hot flash solutions and opening the window when it it 19 degrees..all the time? no at night...
1. My name is Emily. Also at times Em, Emilia, Mom, and Emily Calendro-ho-ho.
2. I do blog. Less than I'd like to as of late.
3. I don't usually drink tea. So I'm pretty open when I do drink it. Honey sounds good.
4. Obsessions? Right now I'm obsessed with getting going on my sons' first year scrapbook. I'm always a little nuts for books, stationary, pencils, pasta and finding the perfect jeans and t-shirts.
5. May 27th, 1994? I'm not sure...I was 13. I was a freshman in high school in Small, NC.
6. Not really. I'm pretty open most of the time. If I have a secret, it's probably going to stay one.
1. I'm Inkling, though some know me as Sara Orange. The Orange is for obvious reasons; no child would ever say my hair is red. I found your funny farm because you and I are related. My mom and your dad survived sibling rivalry to marry other people and have two lovely daughters - us.
2. I blog at http://inkling1974.blogspot.com. My favorite blogs are this one, of course. I also love going to the ones linked on this site, but haven't yet worked up the nerve to ask if I can link them to mine. Wouldn't want total strangers to think I was a stalker or anything, you know? =)
3. Raw sugar and sometimes lemon.
4. Bridal registries, graham crackers made into sandwiches with melted chocolate chips (that forms the middle and you spread it on top too - works when there's a chocolate craving and no "real" chocolate in the house), learning how to make tile mosaics (one day hopefully), really fabulous sales on Egyptian cotton sheet sets.
5. I was preparing for a trip to Puebla, Mexico with a church group.....maybe. Do you remember why I didn't make it to your graduation? Let's hope it was a really good excuse......
6. My mother reads this blog, so I'm not spilling any secrets today. But boy, I could share some doozies if you could assure me of enrollment in the witness protection program. Maybe I'll just wait to record them in a memoir when I'm near retirement age.....
still waiting for those crumpets.....which reminds me I've got an awesome recipe for Almond Shortbread Cookies given to be by a friend with Mennonite heritage. They melt in your mouth, so let me know if you want the recipe.
This Mad Hatter would love to come to a virtual tea party.
1. My virtual name is Cate. My real name is Nana. OK, not really, but it sure feels like it after a day like today.
2. I blog at Cate Imagines. It's linked here at FarmWife's. I'd love for all of you tea-drinkers to come by for a visit anytime.
3. I'm going to shock you all! I like my tea straight! I'm tough...none of that sweet tea for me. Just Kidding. Hub got me started drinking it that way...he's the tough one.
4. My obsessions are the gkids. I miss them so badly when they aren't here. Next is getting all my photos scanned and in scrapbooks. And then of course there's writing and art which I'm trying to get back on track with. Thus the Nudge-Nudge blog.
5. On May 27, 1994, I was probably tallying grades, preparing report cards, and doing cumulative records or else I had just started SUMMER VACATION!
6. Secrets...OK, here's the big one. My name's not Cate. It's Dolly...Dolly Partin.
(Did you swallow your gum. I hope you know I was just kidding again.)
#1. My virtual name is Zann or zannhu (like suzy loo hu - wait- maybe that was hoo or who?) - I came here because you emailed me after a couple of years of writing back and forth via snail mail to tell me you were finally on line.
#2. I do now. I'm at zannhu.blogspot.com I also keep a more personal confidential journal on livejournal.com. My faves are on my side bar too.
#3. I don't really like tea. Zann says as she pops the top on a diet dr. pepper and pours it into her teacup.
#4. Hmm. obsessions. the dog, home improvement, counting down the days till this special edition goes over, journals and blogs, illustration when I can get time to do it.
#5. I believe I was sitting in the stands at your graduation. You sang in the choir before walking the stage to get your diploma didn't you?
#6. Do you have any secrets to share over a cup of tea?
Nah.. I think you know em all. I don't hide much.
Well, it looks like I'm the only lurker so far. I've never been to a tea party, virtual or otherwise, so I hope I don't embarass myself!
1. My name is Dana. The only other name I answer to these days is "Mommy". I honestly can't remember how I found your blog other than clicking on link after link on various blogs. Glad I made that extra click though!
2. Yes, I have a very young and thin blog. You can find it at http://lovetolivelivetolove.blogspot.com. All of my favorite blogs are similar in that they reveal the everday adventures of pretty cool people.
3. Sorry, not a tea drinker. Maybe that's why I've never been invited to a tea party before. I do enjoy an occasional cup of coffee, but prefer Dr. Pepper.
4. Obsessions ... reading blogs, finding kindergarten alternatives for my oldest son, trying to find something cool to do for my anniversary, being a mom, and loving our new shih tzu puppy.
5. May 27, 1994 ... had to have been living in Chapel Hill, NC as I was a junior at UNC-CH at the time (Go, Duke!!!).
6. I learned long ago that secrets aren't exactly healthy ... especially for a marriage. So, I'm pretty open about my life. I only keep secrets close to birthdays and to Christmas. I love giving surprises.
Thanks for the invitation. Hope I will be invited back again!!
Welcome! I'm glad you found us. We're a rag tag bunch, but pretty good for a laugh and even a cry if you need one.
To all the rest, sorry I didn't get the crumpets out in time. Maybe I'll post the recipe and you can make your own.
I have to admit that I have been lurking at your blog. Pilot is my bro-in-law. I guess I am married to the Evil Twin. HEHE. No really he's great!
1. My name is Brando and I live in the same town and Pilot and Needles. Just a few blocks away. My Rudy and I have been married for 13 years and we have two kids. Yuri 6 1/2 and Yin 22 months.
2. I have recently stared blogging at: http://brandosbloggings.blogspot.com/
3. I like cold tea is that okay for the party! I would like some sweet and low. This makes my tea 0 points on Weight Watchers.
4. I live to READ, I know how to knit, but have little time with the babies. (Needles is the best teacher EVER!!!) Gymboree for Yin & Yuri, My adoption groups on the web.
5. ON 5-27-94. We had been trying to have a baby for 26 days. It only took us 6 more years to adopt Yuri from Ukraine.
6. I have many secrets, but the best is that I great family and friends!
Thanks for the party. It was a blast now I have to go back to watching the Wiggles!
BTW, Yin and Yuri LOVED the baby pigs!
Thanks for the warm welcome and the very kind comments! I'd be honored to have you check on me and boys and link as you please! After looking at your adorable new pup though, I feel guilty about not showing off our new fellow!
Have a great day and I'm sure you'll hear plenty from me (means I don't know how to shut up!).
#1. What's your name (preferably virtual since that's how we play around here) and how did you come to find our funny little farm?
Sarah - from The Mom Chronicles
#2. Do you blog? If so where? If not, why not? If you'd like you can even list a few of your favorite blogs.
themomchronicles.blogspot.com is me... I love so many of them, incl this one, Cate, Emily - then there's The Letter D, Mommy Bloggers, etc...
#3. What do you take in your tea?
Pepto. I only drink tea when I'm sick...
#4. What is your current obsession? Don't act like you don't understand the question, we all have different obsessions at different times.
Currently? I'm obsessing about bird flu... It scares the crap out of me.
#5. What were you doing on May 27, 1994?
That was the week I graduated high school, but I don't know if that was the date or not. (but that was 8 years and 1 day before my princess was born)
#6. Do you have any secrets to share over a cup of tea?
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