January 8, 2006

Racing Chickens, a Fight, and a Fat Lip

This is my latest attempt at techno savvy. I’m blogging off line and I plan to e-mail it to my page the next time I log on! Keep your fingers crossed. Of course if you’re reading this, it’s a moot point.

Husband & I are having a spat. Actually I’m having a spat; he’s doing chores and couldn’t care less. I’ll never understand men, at least not this one.

Last night he spent over 5 hours playing a computer game that involved chickens driving racecars. Hour 1 found me not caring much, hour 2 I was annoyed, hour 3 I was irate, hour 5 I went to bed mad. “They” say never go to bed mad, but “they” aren’t married to Husband.

This morning he noticed I wasn’t very talkative and asked if I was mad. I said yes and he decided he didn’t want to go to church with me. I can’t say I blame him for that, but I can blame him for … OK, not the point!

As usual Husband is over it. I am not. He can get over a disagreement faster than anyone I’ve ever met. I cannot. I want an apology, amends made, and a little groveling. He wants to get on with life and his chores. Who’s the better person here? I’ll leave that up to you.

Baby Girl is watching Curly Top. Her Grammy got her 3 Shirley Temple movies this fall and she loves them. I’m thrilled! One more person to carry on the “old” movie obsession. Now if I can just get her to watch Gone With the Wind.

She has rag curls again today and I keep calling her Curly Shirley. She keeps yelling, “I’m not Curly Shirley! I’m Baby Girl!” None of my kids quite grasp the nickname thing. I call her Boo-boo Finklestein just to aggravate her.

#2 Son has asked to be called something else (or he would if he could talk), so he will henceforth be referred to as B.B. That’s what his great uncle called him when he was born. It stands for “Butt Backwards” (he was breech).

He got his first fat lip yesterday. There was an unfortunate meeting between his face and the baby gate in the kitchen door. Why don’t they have places in baby books for these kinds of firsts? First Stomach Bug, First Skinned Knee, First Curse Word Repeated in the Grocery Store, First Temper Tantrum in front of the Grandparents, First Diaper Blow Out! We’re so proud.