February 6, 2012

5 full hours of commercials

With a bit of football in between.  Yes, I am sitting on the couch, watching the Super Bowl on Monday morning with a little help from my DVR.  To be really honest, I'm watching the commercials & skipping through the football game.  I do like football, but I have no loyalties at all to either team that played last night so I really couldn't care less about the out come.

The commercials, on the other hand, I'm loving.  Especially the movie trailers.  I cannot wait to see The Lorax but really do not understand the point of a Battle Ship movie.  What's  next?  Twister the Movie?  Ugh.  Really looking forward to The Avengers & I'm pretty sure the FarmHands are going to lose sleep waiting for it.  I'm not about to tell them there's a new GI Joe coming out.  Their heads may explode.

Really love the Star Wars Cantina VW commercial.  The Coke polar bear commercials are getting a bit old, though.  They were really cute when they debuted in the mid 90's but 15 years later, I'm over them.  Doritos are quickly catching up with the E*Trade baby commercials.  "Apparently riding the dog like it's a small horse is Frowned Upon in this Establishment!"  How can you not love him?  And Will Arnet....how I love him.

Is it just me, or is Madonna channeling Janet Jackson in her Vogue dance? I don't think choreography is her strong suit.  But she sounded great.

OK, enough blogging about commercials & half time shows.  I'll let you return to the excitement of real life & I'll finish my DVR'ed advertisement overdose.

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