April 19, 2011

And thus continues the weeklong attempt to exhaust me.

As you know, I am very proud to be a Stay-at-home-mom (SAHM). It's the only thing I ever really wanted to do. I wouldn't have it any other way (no matter how much it might seem on Wednesday morning when my kids are fighting and all I want to do is sit down with a cup of coffee and last night's episode of House). Most weeks I do not leave my little haven called home. Now, that's not to say I don't bust my butt here, I just don't go anywhere else. It's not needed.

This week is the exception to that rule. It started on Saturday. Normally I go to town Friday to do the weekly running, but this week #1 Son was in serious need of shorts meaning I had to put the trip off until the weekend. So Saturday found all six of us traipsing around town arguing over flip-flops, McDonald's, and Light Sabers from the toy department.

Sunday was church then Easter dinner with Husband's extended family. Monday I had a meeting with B.B.'s speech therapist to end his brief stint in speech. Today Husband, #1 Son, Bitsy, and I had to leave the house at 5:30 am to take #1 Son to the hospital to have his one remaining ear tube removed. Tomorrow the 3 oldest FarmHands have their Spring Musical at school. Thursday I have 2 school Easter parties to help out with. Friday I see my psychiatrist for a check-up.

Now I know there are SAHM's that run like this week in and week out, but I am not one of them. Living in the country puts a damper on my social calendar, but I don't really mind. This week, with it's running hither and yon, is trying to kill me. It will not succeed. I will survive.

And my reward? I get to go to the zoo with 18 kindergartners next Wednesday! Don't you just wish you led the amazing and fast paced life of this FarmWife?

(Ta-da, paragraph breaks!! Thank you, Layla.)

1 comment:

Kork said...

Dang girl! I'm tired just reading that!

Hoping you get a quiet time somewhere in there SOON! Maybe FarmBoy could take the kids on Saturday for something exciting so you can be at home and have some quiet. Even if you use that time to catch up on things that fell by the wayside, at least it would be quiet and uninterrupted!
