February 24, 2009

Warning: Not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach!!!!

My favorite (sarcasm people, sarcasm) moment last night came at around 5 am. At that time I had slept for all of 30 minutes all night long. #1 Son was puking & had diarrhea in his underpants. I was trying to strip him down, wash his clothes, & get him in the shower when I started puking. BabyGirl was puking in her trash can in her room & came in to dump it. All three of us in a teeny tiny bathroom, all sick, all stinky, and B.B. or Bitsy (not sure which one now) was randomly wandering around the house crying. That was the point when I wished I could curl up in a ball & die. Unfortunately, everytime I laid down, I got sick again.

This morning there are pallets all over my living room, blankets and puke buckets strewn about, and we've watched Finding Nemo twice, Mary Poppins once, and are currently on The Muppets Take Manhattan. We are well supplied with Gatorade, 7 up, and crackers thanks to Husband's quick trip to the market for me. Now, unfortunately, he's got a stomach ache & doesn't want lunch. He has to go to work tonight & I'm praying he'll feel better before he leaves. He did tell me not to worry about his lunch at work. He'll take care of that himself. Good thing, because I don't think I could stand to smell food much less cook anything.


Kork said...

Glad that you're feeling better enough to make beds around the living room, and make the DVD player and TV functional...

Gail said...

I don't envy you one bit!!! Hope you ALL get well soon.

designHER Momma said...

blah. is that sufficient?
hope you all feel better soon. I was there last week.


Alexis Jacobs said...

You guys have really been through the ringer. I hope you feel better quickly.