February 5, 2009

Sleep, please

I cannot sleep. I'm not sure why as I am tired & would love to tuck in my warm bed next to my warm hubby & snooze the remainder of the night away. But alas, here I am in the middle of the night blogging & facebooking & wishing for cookies.

Bitsy woke up shortly after midnight & demanded a cup of milk & to sleep on the living room floor (something she started doing a few months ago just before we weaned). BabyGirl woke me up around 2 to tell me her ear hurt. I got a bit concerned as it's the ear the tube came out of just over six months ago. If she starts getting infections in it again, they'll have to put a tube back in. She & #1 Son have had no infections at all since getting their tubes.

After putting in some drops & tucking her back in, I went back to bed only to lay there listening to Husband snore. My mind raced for 15 minutes or so before I got up to go to the bathroom. Then I decided to check on BabyGirl who was still laying awake. I cuddled with her for about 20 minutes, then decided she'd never go to sleep as long as I was there, so I'm sitting in the dark, blogging.

Please pray for Ang tonight. I just read on her facebook page that her grandfather passed away last night. I'm not sure when she'll get a chance to blog again & I wanted to be sure she & her family were lifted up in prayers.

I hope you all are sleeping soundly.


Gail said...

The sleeples nights of motherhood!

Unknown said...

Poor you... I am sleepy, but about to curl up in bed while my boys are downstairs playing happily. The joy of older children! S

Susan said...

My son got cranial-sacral massage when they suggested tubes. He never needed tubes or had an infection again!