Secondly, lest you think I lounged around on my couch all day yesterday with a pint of Ben & Jerry's & NCIS in my DVD player, here's a short list of what I accomplished:
~stripped beds, washed sheets, remade beds
~washed dishes
~made tea & Crystal Light to have to drink today (yes, this totally counts as a chore...a frequent chore)
~scrubbed Husband's nasty icky bathroom
~folded & put away all the laundry I had washed the day before
~clipped out all the Box Tops For Education cluttering my kitchen & bagged them up to go to school
~organized the giant puzzle box
~made dinner (OK, so it was Mac & Cheese)
~helped with homework
~bathed kids
~brushed little teeth (yeah, I know, I'm grasping at straws now)
The pictures scattered about this post are the before, during, & afters of the puzzle box. A few years back I bought an under the bed box for my wrapping paper. Alas, not a roll of my paper actually fit in the box, so it was repurposed as a puzzle box for the FarmHands' ever growing collection of puzzles, flash cards, foam letter blocks, Go Fish, and Memory games (how many memory games do three kids need?).
A few months ago, B.B. dumped it all out, puzzles & all, and I'm guessing rolled around in the mess. When I found the mess I gave serious though to bagging it all up & taking it out of the house. Instead I tossed it all in the box & shoved it back under B.B.'s bed where it lives. Yesterday B.B. & Bitsy drug it back out & frolicked in it again.
So last night I popped Wanted in my Blu-ray player, emptied the box into my living room floor, g
Currently he & Bitsy are off in his bed room playing Baby Jesus & God. I'm not sure how I feel about this. :)
1 comment:
What a productive day! I envy you. Production has slowed at my house.
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