February 4, 2009

Puzzles, Puzzles every where...

First of all, I got an email from a fellow blogger pointing me to a new blog started by a husband in need of blogging help. He's started a blog called 14 Day Guy: helping one guy make his marriage great in 14 days! He wants to do something special for his wife every day leading up to the BIG day...you know, the one with all the hearts & flowers & mushy love stuff. He's asking for advice from us interweb lurkers, so pop on over & help a guy out...and make a wife very happy.

Secondly, lest you think I lounged around on my couch all day yesterday with a pint of Ben & Jerry's & NCIS in my DVD player, here's a short list of what I accomplished:

~stripped beds, washed sheets, remade beds
~washed dishes
~made tea & Crystal Light to have to drink today (yes, this totally counts as a chore...a frequent chore)
~scrubbed Husband's nasty icky bathroom
~folded & put away all the laundry I had washed the day before
~emptied & sorted out Bitsy's toy bucket that lives in my computer desk
~clipped out all the Box Tops For Education cluttering my kitchen & bagged them up to go to school
~organized the giant puzzle box
~made dinner (OK, so it was Mac & Cheese)
~helped with homework
~bathed kids
~brushed little teeth (yeah, I know, I'm grasping at straws now)

The pictures scattered about this post are the before, during, & afters of the puzzle box. A few years back I bought an under the bed box for my wrapping paper. Alas, not a roll of my paper actually fit in the box, so it was repurposed as a puzzle box for the FarmHands' ever growing collection of puzzles, flash cards, foam letter blocks, Go Fish, and Memory games (how many memory games do three kids need?).

A few months ago, B.B. dumped it all out, puzzles & all, and I'm guessing rolled around in the mess. When I found the mess I gave serious though to bagging it all up & taking it out of the house. Instead I tossed it all in the box & shoved it back under B.B.'s bed where it lives. Yesterday B.B. & Bitsy drug it back out & frolicked in it again.

So last night I popped Wanted in my Blu-ray player, emptied the box into my living room floor, grabbed a trash bag & got to work. After an hour & a half & some selective purging, this is what was left. This morning I told B.B. no more puzzles without asking & the next time I find the box in the mess it was in (every single puzzle piece & card was loose in the box), it will all go in the trash. Perhaps he'll heed my warning.

Currently he & Bitsy are off in his bed room playing Baby Jesus & God. I'm not sure how I feel about this. :)

1 comment:

Gail said...

What a productive day! I envy you. Production has slowed at my house.