February 21, 2009

A few simple tricks

Yesterday I learned a few things. #1. Leave Husband at home when shopping. Oddly, it was easier to shop without him there even though I had to take Bitsy & B.B. with me. He's the one who's easier for the kids to talk into a trip down the toy aisle. Me, not so much.

#2. Make a detailed list & stick closely to it. Sure, I picked up a few things not on the list, but things we needed or were priced lower than usual so I stocked up (like Mac & Cheese and ground beef on sale!!). I'm not usually good at making or sticking to a shopping list. I put the things we have to have on it through the week, but once I get to the store, the majority of my shopping is done off the cuff. This really isn't wise because I come home only to discover I already had 3 frozen pizzas stashed away & didn't need 3 more.

#3. Shop early in the morning when the store is less crowded. It's much easier for me to focus on the task at hand when I'm not dealing with 15,000 people around me. Another reason for Husband to stay home. I don't have to worry about hurrying so he doesn't get irritated (he doesn't like to shop).

With all these in place, I spent about half what I usually do at the grocery. That being said, I didn't have to buy diapers, toilet paper, or dog food (except for the little bag Andrew & Lilly go through in 4-6 weeks). That tends to be a huge chunk of our grocery/Wal-Mart budget.

I did splurge just for me, though. Roast beef & a package of yellow Peeps. Just couldn't help myself.

In other news:
  • Terri, thank you for the Dominoes vids. I can't hunt for/watch them myself because any Internet video takes years to load on my slow connection.
  • I love PBS. I've been watching American Masters, Antiques Roadshow, and the digital Create Channel lately. Wanna' know a secret? I adore Bob Ross! The big brown Afro & all the happy little trees & clouds living all over his paintings...I can watch him for hours. It really is The Joy of Painting.
  • Bitsy has taken to dancing lately. A lot. It's so funny to watch. She looks a bit like a Sumo wrestler with a dirty diaper.
  • I had a horrible headache today. Bisty woke me up at abuot 6:40 this morning. I lounged around on the couch, in the chair, and eventually went back to bed. I didn't really wake up until 10:30. I haven't slept that late (except after having my wisdom teeth out) since before BabyGirl was born!
  • The proverbial "They" call Facebook, Crackbook for a reason.

That's enough for today. Have a good weekend!


Gail said...

My grocery bill is half again as high if hubby goes...impulse shopping.

One additional tip: Never shop hungry!

Brando said...

We shopped last weekend at the Huge new beautiful Aldi's in E'ville. It was awesome. The produce was half the prices or less than most stores and Milk was $2.25 a gallon. I am in love and will be making a big trip once a month for my big stuff.

I wish I knew better how to freeze things, but alas I am not sure what to freeze and what not to freeze.

I do the best when I leave Dh and the kids home. I have been going when Yin is at school, but since I have been working alot of days that has made anything difficult.

Terri said...

your welcome ~ anytime!

Terri said...

oh and here's another name for facebook ~ wastebook! Seems appropriate as I waste alot of my time there. I like crackbook too. hehe