February 23, 2009

How to tell you've been watching too much NCIS or Would you mind knocking me out?

I went to bed shortly after ten o'clock last night. Bitsy woke up shortly after eleven. I was having a hard time getting myself awake enough to go get her. Husband picked her up & brought her to bed with us. She snuggled in between us & dozed off for a bit.

I began dreaming about Mossad agents & espionage (I know, I know). Bitsy woke up again & was insistent about wanting something. I couldn't figure out who she was or what she wanted. Finally I was conscious enough to realize she was crying & signing "milk." I brought her her sippy cup & then took it back when she was done.

When I laid back down by her, I immediately slipped back into my NCIS inspired dream about terrorists & Israeli secret agents. Bitsy woke up again & started trying to get out of the bed. Once again, I couldn't figure out who she was or what she wanted. All I knew was that I had to keep her on the bed no matter what. Eventually Husband picked her up & started talking to her & that brought me around enough to realize what was going on.

She likes to get up in the night & sleep on a pallet on the living room floor (this started when we were weaning). Tonight Husband suggested I bring the pallet into our room & put it next to the bed so I don't have to sleep on the couch all night. Bitsy laid down on it & went right back to sleep.

I did not. I drifted in & out of a light, disturbed sleep & felt horrible. Finally I got up & headed for the arm chair in the living room. It's been 2 1/2 hours & I'm still there. Add puking to the mix & I may not sleep at all tonight. I'm not happy about this. Mama needs her sleep. Mama does not need a stomach bug. Mama flat does not have the time for this mess. And Mama really doesn't want to dream about Mossad agents anymore.

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