January 24, 2009

Teeth, town, strange men, and dead fish

B.B. is doing well. Thank you all for asking. He has a small sore on the inside of his cheek from biting it while it was numb. He disagrees. "It's from the poky they gave me. It hurt. They put sleepy juice in my mouth." He's so proud of his Iron Man teeth.

I have no voice. The kids are loving it. It's making me crazy (note to self: when you cannot sing, do not listen to Mindy Smith. You will try to sing & it's not pretty).

BabyGirl & I went to town today after groceries. Wal-Mart was a mad house. Everyone in a 20 mile radius was in there!

When we got home, there was a strange man sitting in my recliner. No joke. Little BIL came up from KY for the day to visit & brought one of his Army buddies with me. It cracks me up when he brings someone home because they never know each other's first names. Little BIL introduced the buddy to me & I had to ask him to repeat the name thinking it was his first name. When Husband asked if it was, the buddy said no & told us his full name. Little BIL said, "Hm. Didn't know that." Then Husband said, "Did you know LB's name when you came in here? We've been saying it the whole time, but it never occurred to me that you wouldn't know it." He hadn't. Is this a normal occurrence in the military?

Oh, and we woke up this morning to a dead fish. Raphael bit the dust last night while we slept. B.B. was crushed. I could take him back to the pet store & get a new one, but I'm not driving 1 1/2 hours to exchange a $4 fish. I told B.B. he could flush him down the toilet & suddenly the tears stopped. Who knew flushing a fish could be so much fun?!


Gail said...

I love the title of this post, it pulled me right in!

Grace said...

Oh yah, flushing fish is great fun!! Gee, don't you know anything:)!