January 6, 2009

I'm tired of excitement.

My Uncle D (the one with rocks in his head according to my kids...he told them that once and they've never forgotten) called this morning & said, "Busha called. They've canceled Bucka's stress test & decided to do a heart cath instead." Oh. Uh. OK. I didn't know he was supposed to have a stress test, but I do agree that the cath would be the better procedure. Much more info gathered that way.

Bucka passed with nearly flying colors. His doctors said he had a "micro heart attack" but very little damage was done to his heart. His bypasses & stents look good. They're going to keep him another day or two to finish tweaking his meds, then he should be home.

And then I need to go see him. I can't drive the hour & a half to the hospital this week with the kids in school & an ENT appointment for two of them tomorrow an hour & a half in the other direction. I haven't seen him since before Christmas. I didn't realize that until yesterday. I've seen Busha twice, but not Bucka. That needs to change.

In the meantime, I'm tired of all this blasted excitement. I want boring. A good long stretch of boring.


areyoukiddingme said...

Here's to boring! I hope all remains well and you get a chance for a good (and comforting) visit.

I tagged you for a photo treasure hunt...see my blog for details if you feel like it.

Kork said...

Praying for a boring stretch of a month or three to allow you time to relax and enjoy each other without wondering if there'll be a next time.

Hugs to you and the fam!