December 30, 2008

Post Christmas Purge

Instead of hauling a trash bag full of coloring books to the trash, I decided to de-Christmas the living room. I didn't decorate to the hilt this year, so tearing down didn't take quite as long as it usually does. The tree came down & the few mantle decorations went back into storage. My living room looks strangely empty & markedly bigger with the giant tree gone from in front of the window.

Husband told me that our SIL's sister is pregnant & due any day (it's a LONG story that involves numerous miscarriages & a complete lack of prenatal care). I wanted him to haul off our old carrier car seat as it's been through all 4 FarmHands & has passed the expiration date. He said we might as well give it to her since she has nothing (and I mean NOTHING) and may not have a seat to get the baby home from the hospital in. After a quick call to SIL & a sweep through the house, Husband packed off the car seat, the baby swing, a bouncy thing with a zip up hood, and two bags full of receiving blankets. If they can't find a bassinet or crib in time, the baby could sleep in the bouncy thing we had. I lays flat & has a mesh cover that zips over it. I used it to take the FarmHands outside with me when they were tiny. I hope she puts the stuff to good use.

I'm just glad to have it all out of my house! Now if only I could convince my husband to give up the two pairs of Rollerblades that have been living in our closet for 11 years. I think they've been worn once or twice each since we got married...and there's no pavement to Rollerblade on any where near us.


Gail said...

That is so great. You supplied something needed AND got to clean out the house.
I am so grateful to people who have helped my daughters the same way.

Kork said...

what a great way to bless someone! Isn't it great how God gives us ways to serve others, even when we think we're just doing ourselves a favor? And what a wonderful way to finish out 2008!