December 21, 2008

I wonder....

What does it mean if you're on one medicine that causes constipation & another that causes diarrhea? Do they cancel each other out or do you just have diarrhea twice a week?

I'm wondering if my face will stop swelling sometime soon, or if it will keep growing like Violet Beaureagard on Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. (OK, so it's not that bad, but I am getting an idea of what I would look like if I gained some weight somewhere other than in my abdomen.) I'm waiting on the Oompa-Loompas to pop out from under the couch & start singing something about mothers on vicoprofin.
Finally, a brief word on gag reflexes. On Friday I discovered that it is possible to muscle past your gag reflex if when you're walking through Wal-Mart waiting for your scripts to be filled. Gauze in the back of my mouth is not my friend & there were more than a few times I thought clean up would have to be called to aisle whatever.


Gail said...

Your sense of humor is intact!
I am glad you are feeling well enough to post.
Been thinking about your extractions and how you were faring.

areyoukiddingme said...

The wisdom teeth are awful - especially the impacted ones. I had to have 4 other teeth pulled (for orthodontics - had to make room), and that was much less horrible. Don't know what it is about those.

Hope you're feeling better soon. Good job on overcoming the gag reflex!