In an attempt to post things nonpolitical today, I shall regale you with B.B. isms. Well, one anyway.
This morning he wanted an apple. He picked the lucky fruit from the crisper drawer & brought the Pink Lady to me to be peeled. She was a rather large specimen. As he handed it over he said, "That sure is a big, big, bigger apple, Mommy. It's a giant apple. A GIANT APPLE!! It's as big as a giant. It's as big and giant as God!"
I replied, "No, B.B. God is bigger than even a giant apple."
"He is?! Is He bigger than a giant?"
"Yes. He's the biggest thing ever."
"Wow. That' really big. Even bigger than giants."
I love that! Why do we lose sight of that simple truth so quickly?
I love B.B. for his insight...
Thanks for the happy and encouraging words today...
If we could only see through the eyes of a child...
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