July 8, 2008


Our fearless hot mama leader Sarah has asked us to post pictures of our "HMR Uniform." What would you see me in if you happened to run into me at McDonalds or the grocery or playing at the park with the FarmHands (besides a straight jacket)?

While I'd love to say I'd be in a cute skirt & top & a very fashionable pair of open toed pumps, In all actuality, I'd probably be in something like this:

Fabulous isn't it? Ease, comfort, washability, and frugality are high on my list of reasons to pick clothing, so the tank top & jeans are standard around here. These jeans were passed down to me by Princess (my little sister), and the tank I grabbed at Wal-Mart for $4.50 a few weeks back. I'm a sucker for stripes, so I loved this one right off. What you can't really see in this picture is the super cute western style belt QM bought me when I weaned B.B.

Add a necklace, bracelet, and earrings (oddly enough, every item of jewelry I'm wearing in this picture with the exception of my rings was a gift from my mother) and I'm good to go.

I feel pretty good in this. Not sure what it is about it, but I like it. Maybe it's because for the first time in my life I have jeans that are not baggy. And the pink makes me feel girly without going overboard.

Still working on growing the hair out a bit to help tame the wave, but it's getting there. I'm also currently sporting a french manicure....which my husband so rudely interrupted with his kidney stone Friday night. Nails might not be a big deal to you, but since I bit them from the time I was tiny until around my 21st birthday, I get a tad obsessive over them.

So, who are you wearing?

1 comment:

Sarah @ Ordinary Days said...

You look hot! Love the accessories and I can see the belt buckle peeking out there. Great job with the fitted jeans and tank. Looks totally feminine but practical at the same time. A+!!!