If your question happens to be, "FarmWife, what ever will I do with my children all summer?" I have your answer. Well, actually Sarah has your answer. She & her sister have started a new venture. A blog that gives you all the answers to the age old whine, "Mom, I'm bored." It's called: Mom, I'm bored! Gotta' love it! I'm throwing a button up in my side bar, so if you're interested, just click & play! They're also taking reader tips. You can email your tip/brilliant idea for battling boredom to Sara & Mary Ellen at momimbored (at) hotmail (dot) com.
In other adventures....I lost a filling last night. Yeah for me. My top left wisdom tooth has been on the decline for the past 3 years. It's been filled to it's breaking point. My dentist wants me to have it taken out. He wants all my wisdom teeth out. Actually he wants everyone to have all their wisdom teeth out. He is anti-wisdom teeth in his philosophy. So far I've resisted vigorously. I like my teeth...sort of. I do not like the idea of having them pulled out of my head. They're not offending me, so what do I have against them?
Before I got pregnant with Bitsy, the previously mentioned tooth broke. Just a small part of it came off & it didn't bother me, so we left it be....but my dentist said it really needed to come out. (I hate how he says this at EVERY appointment & smiles a huge guilty smile while saying it. It's as if he's saying, "It's OK. It will go off to live on a farm somewhere with lots of other stray teeth with a nice a farmer & his wife to take care of it." To which I reply, "I am FarmWife. I'll just hang on to it." )
In the past 2 months I've lost two more tiny pieces of the tooth. Last night the filling (that made up at least half of the tooth) came out. So now I have a shell of a tooth hanging out in the back of my mouth. It's not bothering me...at least it wouldn't if I could keep my tongue out of it. So now I'm back to the debate. Wisdom teeth or no wisdom teeth? And will they put me under to take them out (I have a massive gag reflex. Can't do dental x-rays without gaging)? And who will take care of me & the FarmHands while I'm doped up on pain meds. And will I still be able to nurse Bitsy while on pain meds?
Have the wisdom teeth out. It will, if nothing else, shave about 10 seconds off of your tooth-brushing routine.
Seriously Farmie...they serve no purpose other than taking up room in your mouth and being a place to harbor all the icky germs that our mouths like to grow. They can do a full anesthetic OR you can have 4 shots of Novacaine around each one. I personally went for the one prick in my arm to sink the IV...that way I didn't remember the 800 shots of novacaine...
NOW, onto AFW - What is the origin/history of crossing your fingers for good luck, AND why then, does it negate a promise if you cross your fingers?
Ditto what Kork said re: wisdom teeth...
I have a question!!!
I seem to recall you had a fruit fly problem last summer. What finally worked to get rid of them?
I agree with Kork and mrs pop!
Hey, hey, ho, ho, those wisdom teeth have got to go!
I had mine out when I was 22 - just right before I lost coverage under my parents' health insurance. I opted to be knocked out. It all went fine, although I developed a wee bit of infection (while I was in Scotland) and had to see a maxofacial surgeon for some anti-biotics. Other than that, no problems.
The 'wisdom' of getting the teeth out is so that they don't crowd out the other molars. But, I'm sure you heard that one already from The Doctor Who Wants to Take Your Teeth.
Here's my question:
why is it considered proper etiquette for a woman to cross her legs at the ankles rather than at the knees?
Add one more vote to the outies. I had mine out at age 26, with anesthesia - the only way to go, and it was completely fine. I even still had C**** insurance, which paid great on it (it fell under medical, instead of dental, maybe because mine bottom ones were impacted and had to be cut out).
The pain meds took care of what they needed to, I didn't have any loopiness at all. Of course, I can't answer the question about nursing. ;)
If you have to go to an oral surgeon for it, I can recommend a great one.
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