Tonight is Beffie's Junior prom. BabyGirl & I went over to see her off. I ended up helping RL do Beffie's hair (it took the two of us two curling irons & nearly an hour to get it done). She looked so lovely when she left...and I wanted to hop in the Jeep with her. A pretty dress, a nice dinner, and a night of dancing, that's all I ask.
I can't complain. I went to three proms. Stoffer was a Junior my Sophomore year so we went to his Junior prom, my Junior prom/his Senior prom, and my Senior prom. We had a blast each time & I think we were more comfortable with it each time. The pictures from our first prom, we both look like dorks. We were so nervous...I was sick to my stomach all night & ended up going home an hour before my curfew. By my Senior prom, we were old hands at it.
Husband never went to his proms. I've always felt a bit sorry for him because he missed out. I don't think he really cared...I'd take him to prom, but he probably wouldn't dance with me.
Guess I'll stay home instead.
I do have a question...I want to know about your prom(s). Around here they have presentation before the dance. Each couple shows up in a vehicle of some kind. They are announced, have their picture taken, and walk in like a red carpet. Parents & friends come to watch. Vehicles range from limos to the biggest & newest in sports cars to jacked up 4 wheel drive trucks...you name it. One friend of mine went to her prom in the back of a police cruiser complete with hand cuffs. It becomes a competition of sorts. Beffie & her date wanted to borrow Hank from Husband, but he wasn't keen on letting a 17 year old boy he doesn't know drive his new toy.
We didn't show up at our prom until well after it started. My senior year we were there shortly after it started (I was not happy about that...fashionably late was the order of the day) and no one was there. Not much point in limos & fancy cars.
Here the girls carry bouquets of flowers. We wore corsages. Here they have dinner at someone's house or a big catered dinner at the school. We went to Nashville to eat. Here they have After Prom at the school. We went bowling (OK, so my friends were odd) & spent the night at my house.
So, what did you do?
I never got to go to any of my proms..Everytime I was going to go to a prom with my beloved he'd break up with me and ask another girl out. When I was a junior and senior I never got asked out for fear I would get back together with my beloved. There are no rituals here, other than some parent would supervise and everyone would come back to the popular kids house and hang out.
I don't have a ritual so much as a really neat story. For my senior prom, my parents cooked a three course meal for me and three of my friends - plus all of our dates - and my dad dressed in a tux and my mom dressed in her best cotillion gown and they served us dinner. I even had a bell to ring if we needed something. I made the grave error of not using the bell and actually going into the kitchen and was scolded back into the dining room with strict instructions to use the bell.
That was by far the best part of prom. The dance was meh and I still regret doing the night cruise (which was designed to keep us all in one place and not go to hotel rooms).
I would do prom again only to be able to go shopping for an awesome dress and shoes. What can I say, I love to shop.
I wore a corsage and there was no presentation. We ate dinner at a neat revolving restaurant that overlooked the skyline. Danced to a couple of songs and spent most of the night waiting in line to have pictures taken. We went bowling afterwards, but there were no free lanes, so we ended up going back to someones house and watched a movie. I went with a guy from my youth group. I was homeschooled and he asked me to the prom. It wasn't one of those highlights of my teenage life, but I'm glad that I went.
I love the story of the parents serving the three course meal. That is so sweet and original. I'll have to remember that for many, many years from now.
yours truly didn't date until college - you know, Kenny the one armed farmboy, Casey the turtle boy, and Kork's brother (I still want to name a child after him - he has the nicest first and middle name), among others. On prom night, I went shopping in STL with my mom one year, and went to Lamberts with a bunch of girlfriends another year. Because I never got over my jitters by going to prom, I cancelled my date with Kork's brother for Spring Banquet. The only dance I've been to, outside of Balaam's Transportation's Christmas parties, was a dance with HOBY. We had to go, and I am pretty sure I spent most of the evening in the foyer trying to be invisible. Being shy sucks when it comes to dance memories. My only dancing these days is in the kitchen with Henry David.
*sigh* ah prom. Well mine were much like yours you can guess, but I didn't get to share them with you so I will share them now.
I went to my Jr. Prom with D, and then the next year we went to his senior prom. Mine was in the gym. We got there early because we were nervous and dinner at the Panda Chinese restaurant didn't take that long Since we were early we discovered that someone had put the poor goldfish into the fountain that they had brought in without acclimating them to the water... so they were floating belly up. We hung around and talked to people and danced to a few slow songs then just headed back to my house and hung out with my family afterward.
The next year we got to go to SH's much fancier prom at the Maxwell House hotel in Nashville. He picked me up, and we went to his house so his mom could video the momentus occasion and I got very embarrassed because she mentioned the low cleavage on my dress in the video - though I didn't find that out until a week later... it was just her first reaction to seeing my dress (it really wasn't all that low or mom wouldn't have let me out of the house) we went to Fountain Square to eat in Lewisburg - it was very fancy. They even had a violinist that came to the table, then on to Nashville in his dad's Marquee. At his prom the people seemed a lot less cliquesh - the seniors gave awards and speeches - they all got up and did then new dance... or new to us dance... the Macarena. Afterward we went back to SH and hung out at one of his friends house with a bunch of other friends of his, then it was back home before curfew.
Last year Jay and I stayed at a hotel where they were apparently having prom. I reminiced to him and we joked about going down and crashing it. Oh but it brought back memories. He never went to his prom either, but he did go to a band banquet or two. And he would not dance in front of people, I think.
I went to Junior prom with a group of friends... skipped senior prom and went bowling instead. No romantic dates for me in high school, I think guys knew they wouldn't get what they wanted, and so I had a couple of crushes from afar and that was about it. Junior prom was at the Northfield building at Saturn's HQ. The bowling alley we went to isn't even there anymore... you know, the one on the north side of town. I think there's a strip mall there now.
Yep, prom and bowling. My friends and I were odd, too. But then again, there weren't many options in Mule town!
Hmmm, I went to four proms and they all were pretty much the same; however, before one we took a helicopter ride over my hometown; and before another we were served a meal in courses at a friend's house.
I recall small bouquets called nose-gays.
I went to the prom in the 80s you can imagine the themes and the hair. . . enough said.
I want to go to prom too! Mine were like yours it sounds like. We ate at a nice restaurant, we drove in whatever the nicest car we could find was or we took a limo if we were lucky. Girls wore wrist corsages, guys the pin on the lapel kind. There were parties after or breakfasts back at someones house.
Show us your old prom pics. I'd love to see everyone's.
My sophomore year, my boyfriend had already asked a girl he worked with, and I, generously, said "take her, you've already made all the arrangements and it would be rude to tell her you were taking me instead". She and I are still friends because of that...My Junior year, I wore the typical poofy Cinderella style dress, with over-styled hair. We took his mom's Dodge Stealth, and it was at the Glenn Miller Ballroom on CU's campus. No presentation...but we did have dinner at the Chatauqua House, overlooking Boulder, and I was so nervous I giggled the whole time. He wore a white dinner jacket with a black shirt and white bow tie. It was the 90s...what can I say? I wore pink roses on my wrist. My Senior Prom, I wore this amazing black velvet sheath dress with a slit up one side that I'm sure if my mother had seen BEFORE the night of prom, she'd have never let me buy...but I only paid $30 on clearance for it...I cast sort of a Morticia Adams vibe that night...pale skin, dark hair, black dress, red roses, red nail polish...we arrived at the local Country Club in a Dodge Viper that he had been able to someone borrow from the owner of the local dealership (his stepdad was really tight apparently) after his mom, and the mom of his best friend cooked and served 3 of us couples a fabulous 5 course meal.
After each prom, we went back to my boyfriend's family's place and watched movies all night, and went to church the next day in our prom clothes.
Looking back, it was probably just a status symbol, as I didn't really enjoy the dancing...especially watching a room full of formally dressed individuals doing the Electric Slide, the Macarena, and who knows what other weird line dances they were doing. I do remember fondly, however, that our theme my Senior year was "Wonderful Tonight" and as I LOVE Clapton, it was pretty cool to be slow dancing with the boy I thought I was going to marry.
And Inkling...I think Mission Man would be honored to have someone named after him...oooh, and they're having another one in October
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