April 27, 2008

Meme, FarmBoy edition!!

Check it out, folks!! FarmBoy is joining the world of blogging for one night only! I read my meme responses to him & he had some of his own. So, without further adue:

i am: FarmBoy
i think: most of the time i'm too tired to think
i know: there are 12 inches in a foot, 5,280 feet in a mile, and one track in my mind
i want: a matching livestock trailer for my pick-up
i have: a short fuse
i wish: that my children would be obedient & not ask "but why" every time I tell them to do something
i hate: the sound of babies screaming & crying
i miss: the time i could be spending with my children instead of working
i fear: turning into my dad
i feel: with my hands
i hear: with my ears
i smell: you guess....it starts with an "n" & it's 4 letters long
i crave: someone with my same sense of humor
i search: for ways to spend more time outside
i wonder: what I would do if I won a million dollars....or cashed in on my wife's life insurance policy (He's joking folks. Don't call the FBI)
i regret: listening to my parents when I was 19 & getting a job at C****. I should have stuck with farming (or something).
i love: my family & animals
i ache: when I stub my toe rescuing the kids during an earth quake
i care: not what other people think of me. I live my life the way I live it.
i always: will watch out for my family
i am not: very social on the telephone
i believe: that a high self esteem is essential for all of life's journeys (respect yourself & others).
i dance: with the devil by the pale moon light
i sing: because i'm happy
i cry: almost never
i don’t always: get along with my father
i fight: when ever someone is dumb enough to take me on
i write: with my left hand
i win: A LOT (I'm very competitive)
i lose: my temper when I lose
i never: get a full night's sleep
i confuse: my words when I'm emotional
i listen: to my children even though they're hard to understand
i can usually be found: at work, or outside doing chores, or on the four wheeler
i am scared: of nothing for myself. I worry something will happen to my kids or family.
i need: nothing more. I'm happy with what I have.
i am happy about: my life, my liberty, and my pursuit of happiness.


Inkling said...

That's way cool. I never thought Farmboy would take time to blog. Geez, it would be nice to hear his wisdom now and again. That was a very fun read. Makes me want to hug you, Farmboy. =)

By the way, I sing because I'm happy, and I sing because I'm free too.

Kork said...

YAY FarmBoy! And as for the sense of humor...you and BB SO need to meet...

Which leads me to the eternal question of "Why is your vacation not to my house? Is Dinosaur World really that important to kids?!?!?"

I know then answer to the 2nd one...but really...you should pack up your kin and drive to...Colorado. :D