Before we get started, I have a slight problem. B.B. will not wear a pair of underpants all day long. I know most little boys are notorious for wearing a single pair of underpants all week long (as are some of their dads...I really don't understand men sometimes), but not our B.B. He will change 5 times a day if I don't keep a close eye on him. I did laundry a few days ago & he's nearly out all ready.
Last night I was talking to QM on the phone when he came out naked again looking for clean underpants. I was not happy. QM asked if they should get him more underpants for his birthday. I said I hoped this phase wouldn't last until September because I may lose my mind before then. QM said, "Remember, this too shall pass."
My reply? "Yeah, I know. But there's something else waiting in the wings to take it's place! Really. Who cares if this too shall pass because there's just more crap coming!" I think that's my new motto. And since there's no way of telling if what's coming up next is going to be better or worse than what's happening now, who's to say I want this to pass. Oy.
On to your much needed answers.
Samantha asks if the Dinosaur World she drove by while visiting family in KY is the same one we're headed off to in just over a month. Why yes, yes it is. And the anticipation is nearly through the roof.
Mrs.X asks for advice on dealing with the adoption agency they're working with in attempts to get a Golden Retriever. "...they have a question about why you want to adopt a Golden - not why you want to adopt through them. The truth is that I'm not particularly obsessed with
having a Golden....I want to adopt from them because they do a lot of leg work to figure out which animal is right for you. So, do I admit this or do I just do the standard, 'I Love Goldens!'?"

I think I'd tell them both. You do like the breed or you wouldn't be trying to adopt one, but you're not dead set on a Golden. I don't see what it would hurt to tell them, "I really like this breed because ______________, but I'm also very impressed with your attempts to match us with a dog that will be perfect for us." You may want to see if they deal in other breeds or Golden mixes since you're flexible in the breed department.
But that's just my opinion.
Why don't makeup companies package makeup for people who only wear it once in a while?
Did Scarlett really love Ashley or was she just after 12 Oaks?
I have to admit, I'm liking this Ask Farm Wife thing. Excellent answer, m'dear! I'm such an either/or person, that it didn't occur to me to say both! I do in fact really have a soft spot for Goldens. They always look like they're smiling.
As for BB, my only theory is that maybe he's taking the admonition to always wear clean underwear when you go out (you know, in case you end up in the hospital) to heart. Children never cease to amaze in what they do and do not do.
I got another one.
Would it be safe to assume you would be aggrivated if you drove your child 45 minutes to go to the dentist to have her cavity filled and then she refused to open her mouth?
Only for said child to ask why Dr Pat wouldn't fix her tooth when you get in the car, and then ask if she still gets her reward becuase it was the dentist fault her tooth is not fixed not hers.
To quote Inkling- OY!
Real question:
Do you ever get tired really burnt out on cooking? I have no desire to cook. Is there something I can do to make me enjoy this more.
At least BB is wearing different underwear and doesn't seem to be insistent on wearing the same pair over and over, right?
And while I'm thinking of it, why is it called a pair of underwear. They aren't like socks. You don't wear two of them. Or have I been doing things the wrong way all these years.
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