I've been busy today. Busy procrastinating. I need to get back on the house cleaning band wagon. Why does my house always look like we had a small militia stationed in the living room over the weekend every Monday morning? Am I missing something? Every Monday it looks like a bomb went off. Ugh.
The links above will lead you first of all to the Taggy Madness that has hit me over at Nudge-Nudge and secondly to the wha'cha got cookin' Recipe Remix. Enjoy as I have no inspiration for a post today.
I am seriously lacking in things to say lately (not that it keeps me from posting, but hey, it is what it is). If you have anything you want to know, please, ask away. That's it....tomorrow will begin the first ever episode of Ask FarmWife. Go ahead, ask me anything you want to know about anything...me...my family...my background...Sweeny Todd...the Pope...gourmet cookies.... mid-centry modern furniture...underwater basket weaving....animal husbandry. If I can answer your query, I will do so happily. If not, oh well. That's what Google's for.
Hit me!
My question of the day-
Would you consider taking in two more professional mess makers? I might have a two for one sale here.
They are professional mess makers not just your average ones. They can destory a room in 8 seconds, and that is if you hold one of them back for 5 seconds. They can dump every box, bin, and bookshelf.
They are quite fabulous. :)
Oh I've got a question that hasn't been able to be properly answered for what seems like years, and it will probably need an answer in the next year. (No, that is not an announcement yet) But I can't type it here. It involves things like bosoms, babies, and romantic interludes while lactating.
Instead I'll ask this.....what is that gross white thingy in some eggs? Is it bad for you? Are you supposed to take it out? And how long are farm fresh eggs good for if they are refrigerated? (a friend of ours said only about three weeks for winter eggs, and longer for summer eggs......then he gave us four dozen, and I'll either be baking up a storm and freezing it, or upping my cholesterol level to get them all eaten in three weeks) Oh, and do you have a secret for washing the remains of chicken poop off of the egg before you crack it? Do you wash the eggs right after you collect them, or do you wash them as you use them? Really, you should write a post on chicken husbandry, or whatever it's called, so your city cousin can learn how to properly care for her latest craze of farm fresh eggs.
You can alwaye email me about the lactating question. =) Hee hee. Hope my mom doesn't read this one. But it is okay to say it because we're talking about it, right?
Here's my question....
Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?
I have several questions.
Can fat people go skinny dipping?
Can you be a closet claustrophobic?
Why is the word "abbreviation" so long?
What's another word for thesaurus?
I have another question about eggs, but mine is gross. Someone told me that if there is blood in the eggs, that means that the hen is being used for reproducing as well as eggs.
A.) is that bad?
B.) is blood in the eggs expected at times? (cause it's really icky)
C.) What did the Pope think of Sweeny Todd
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