April 28, 2008


Before I forget in my overly emotional, baby freezing state, it's Ask FarmWife day again.






Margot said...

Hi! It's been quite a while since I dropped over last time (sorry).
I do have a question : how can people just put three one-week-old kittens in a plastic bag, fill it with water and dump in a gutter behind a house?
That was my Friday discovery behind my mother's house... I'm bottle-feeding the kittens now ;-)

I hope you and your tribe are fine, I'll quickly read all the posts I've missed!

Queen Mother said...

What is the Civilian Conservation Corps and what did they do?

Did the cat really play the fiddle?

Why don't poka dots and plaids go together?

If you were a hollywood star of old which one would you be?

Samantha said...

I've got one that I have been waiting all week to ask. How do you strike out your text? I've been trying to figure that out on Blogger to no avail.

BTW, Qeen mother's questions and your answers crack me up.

Anonymous said...

Who would you rather be Samantha from Bewitched or Jeanie from I Dream of Jeanie?

Who would you rather be from the Archie Gang Betty or Veronica?

What is the present animal count at the farm?

Kork said...

Hey...I think some of those questions should be for all of us this week! I'd have to be Lana Turner...or Audrey...

But, my question is this:

Why does it seem that the "bad things in threes" all cluster together? Not just 3 things in a row, but 3 sets of 3? ugh...

Art the Omnipotent said...

What's the deal with men? Do you think the problem could be with me?