Reading things like this often makes me wonder if people are inherently evil. While I do not believe that is the case, unfortunately there are thoughtless, cruel, ignorant people everywhere. I understand not wanting extra kittens. I understand the need to dispose of kittens. What I do not understand is the inhumane way this was attempted. There are shelters, there are people who would take them, there are even more humane ways to kill them. This act reeks of cowardice to me. "I don't want them, but I don't want to get my hands dirty."
Fortunately for us all, for every one coward, there is also a Margot fostering these helpless beings. Thank you, my dear, for restoring my faith in humanity. And I hope your sleep deprivation does not get too bad.
My mother seems to want me to work hard for her answers. She asks: What is the Civilian Conservation Corps and what did they do?
To be honest, I'd never heard of the CCC until today. According to Wikipedia, the CCC was formed by Franklin D. Roosevelt as a part of the New Deal legislation in an attempt to combat the Great Depression. The program ran from 1933 to 1942. If a young (18-25 until 1937 when the age limit was expanded to include men 17-28) man's father was registered as Unemployed, the young man could sign up for a 6 month stint with the CCC with an opportunity to re-enlist for up to 2 years. They were fed, clothed, and cared for in camps while earning about a dollar a day ($25 a month was to be sent home to their families). These boys built trails, roads, park buildings, combated soil erosion around water fronts, put in telephone lines, planted trees, kept bees, built furniture, built logging roads, and many other labor tasks that are still being used today.
They were kept in military like conditions, with the threat of dishonorable discharge being the main form of discipline. But there were no riots & few deserters (1-2%). When the nation turned to the war effort after Pearl Harbor, the CCC was not officially disbanded. The funding stopped in 1942 & that in turn ended it's tenure.
The Queen Mother also asks: Did the cat really play the fiddle?
The rhyme never says the cat played the fiddle. It just says the cat and the fiddle. The images & illustrations we always see show the cat playing the fiddle. One site I found says the rhyme was about Queen Elizabeth the first. She liked to dance to a fiddle & toyed with her ministers as a cat toys with a mouse.
But if you could teach a cat to play the fiddle, I bet you could make the rounds of talk shows & make a pretty penny.
Under the heading of Fashion Rules, QM queries: Why don't polka dots and plaids go together?
According to Stacy London & Clinton Kelly of TLC's What Not to Wear, all prints can go together. The trick is picking a similar color pallet & print size (you should also pick a print size that is in proportion to your body...if you're petite, don't go with large flowers. If you're tall, skip the Swiss dots). I've seen them pair a floral with a stripe, and a polka-dot with a paisley. If Stacey & Clinton say it, it's so.
And finally she asks: If you were a Hollywood star of old which one would you be?
Oh, this is a tough one. While I loved Vivien Leigh, her sordid personal life left much to be desired. But to get to be Scarlett....

This one took me a while to figure out too. You have to click on the Edit Html button on your post page. On either side of the word you want to strike out, you type (less than) strike (greater than) Insert Word of Choice (less than) /strike (greater than) and that should do it. This also works for underlining text. Just replace the word strike with the letter 'u'. Good luck!
Jeannie all the way! Barbra Eden was way cuter, got to wear pink harem pants, and didn't have to be able to wiggle her nose (never could do that)! Besides, I always wanted to see inside that bottle!

Why did they stop selling 3 cup sized packaged cheese? Now there are only 2 and 4 cup.
You give Google a pretty good run for their money! I agree with you about the treatment of those kittens: cruel and lazy.
FarmWife : you're welcome! And if my sleep deprivation could save all the cruelly treated poor animals, please, let me never sleep again and help them all.
Unfortunaly I can't and that's one more reason for trying so hard to get those three baby kits to make it.
Thanks for your answer : so I am not crazy or emotionally unbalanced for having reached the same conclusion as yours. It's cowardice.
I love your Ask FarmWife days by the way, I always feel a lot richer when going to bed after having read your answers.
Anyway, thanks and now, I'm going to sleep (because I am indeed exhausted from waking every two hours to feed them - but at least, I'll be prepared when I'll have a baby (later) :-)
There are stands of pine trees close to hubby's gramma's house which were planted by the CCC. I wondered why they seemed to grow in perfect rows until I learned when/how they were planted.
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