January 19, 2008

Congratulations, Kork!!

I just got a phone call from Kork.  She asked how everything was at our house & I said quiet for the moment.  Then I asked how things were at her house & she said, "I don't know.  I haven't been there since Thursday."  I began to panic...what could be wrong that she hadn't been home in two days?! 
"Why?!  Where have you been?" 
"At the hospital having a baby." 
Duh, big red truck!
Baby is a girl and she & mother are doing well.  Big Brother Captain isn't sure what to make of her & isn't too happy that his mother isn't at home with him, but I'm sure he'll adjust quickly.  He's getting plenty of Grandma & Grandpa time instead.  And that's never a bad thing.
So, congratulations to my dear friend.  Maybe we'll get to see each other's children before they graduate from high school.  Until then, send pictures!!  I love you, Kork!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I KNEW IT!!! As soon as she didn't post on Thursday I KNEW IT..

A Baby Girl YAHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for posting this!!!