I have discovered that a drastic change in my quest for Hot Momness has brought on many more changes & may very well take over my world. As you all may or may not know, I've cut off all my hair. Once the hair was gone I felt the need to actually do something with what's left of it. Friday I splurged & brought home a flat iron, pomade, new mineral foundation, and some white eyeshadow to use for highlighting purposes (like Carmindy on WNTW).
Since last Wednesday, I've not left the house without a perfectly coiffed mane, make-up, and at least a little thought put into my wardrobe. While I haven't become anything close to high maintenance, I am taking more time to make myself presentable. (OK, so I did straighten my hair at 3 o'clock this morning, but Bitsy was awake & refusing to either eat or go back to sleep & I knew I'd be rushed this morning & had to go to town...so I just saved myself some time & did my hair then. It survived the night & cut a step out of my morning routine.)
And today at Wal-Mart, while perusing the clearance rack, I came home with the cutest navy blue short sleeved jacket that puts me in mind of the 1950's & a pleated khaki skirt with grommets at the bottom of the pleats. And how much did I spend on these two very cute items? Any guesses? Two dollars. Not two dollars a piece. Just two dollars. As in the amount of money the deranged paper boy is trying to get John Cusack to pay him in Better Off Dead. As in the amount of money it takes to buy two Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers. As in the amount of money the lady down the road used to pay me for cleaning out from under her old pine tree in the back yard when I was 7.
The moral of my story? Don't make a drastic change unless you're prepared to deal with the Hot Mama consequences.
I'm happy....and I have cute hair...and make-up that doesn't rub off before noon.
I am so excited for you! Nothing feels better than knowing you look good, huh? Well paying two dollars for a new outfit might come in a close second...
Yahoo! I haven't done the makeup thing yet,unless colored burt's bees chap stick counts, but I did by eye cream that I think is helping some. And my flat iron has mysteriously disappeared, my hair drier broke from being dropped too many times...
Tell baby girl thanks for the compliment. :)
I'm scared of you now!
send some of that my way..lol
WOO HOO! I am so proud of you! Keep it up, and you'll be amazed at how the loads and loads of laundry will suddenly seem not so bad, even when couple with cranky kids and hubby!
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