The phone rang in the early morning hours, 4 am I believe, and my heart nearly pounded it's way out of my chest. I rolled across the bed as quickly as I could to grab the phone before it woke anyone else. QM was on the line when I answered and she informed me I was going to be an aunt very soon. My reaction? "No! Not yet! It's too early!!" as though my mother could prevent such a happening.
It was too early. Princess still had 5 weeks left to go till her due date. But QM told me it was too late, they were at the hospital and Princess was too far along to stop. She promised to call me as soon as HT made his appearance and I tried in vain to go back to sleep. Instead I laid in bed and cried.
I cried because I couldn't be there to hold my sister's hand as she labored. I cried in excitement and joy. I cried because I knew Princess was hurting. I cried because I was getting sick and wouldn't be able to rush home and love on my nephew.I got to see him a week and a half later and have loved him to pieces since long before his early arrival.
Happy Birthday to my "perfect" nephew. I promise, I'll stop calling you Fat Boy before you go to your first prom. Auntie FarmWife loves you lots (and has presents to bring you). Give your
Today I decided that my kitchen needed a good cleaning. I haven't cleaned the pretties on top of my cupboards in a long time (I wasn't about to haul my very pregnant butt up on the counter tops to get them all down). A year of grease + a year of dust = concrete. Add a newborn into the mix and a job that would normally take me just under 2 hours, instead took all stinking day! But, I have a clean kitchen & sparkly bottles that remind me of good the day I met Ragged!
Friday I will be trekking south to the petite realm of the Queen Mother for a brief visit. HT's birthday party is Saturday & I will be there barring any major national disaster (as my high school band director would say). It will take an outbreak of the bubonic plague to keep me away. Princess, Big Daddy Axl, and Bubba will finally get to meet their newest niece, as will Art...and I plan on setting on QM's deck, drinking too many Pepsi's, watching Art's brood & my brood romp around the yard, cuddling HT (if he'll allow it), and eating anything I can get Daddy to put on the grill.
Please send prayers up for me as I will be making the 5 hour trek on my own with all 4 kids. I refuse to worry about it. I will be prepared. I have goldfish crackers. I have fruit snacks. I will pack books and toys. I have Pull-Ups for B.B. (who is officially potty trained now!!! Yahoo!!!). I am woman. I can travel with my children and all will survive!
Yeah but do you have sedatives??!
Does Benadryl count?
You can do it and you will do it. If not I will be forced to come and get you and I will.
Yay !! Goldfish crackers and Benadryl !!! Good luck!! S
I'm SO excited that you get to go home! I know that you can do it, with or without sedatives...besides, there comes a point where they become so tolerant of Benadryl you have to switch over to Southern Comfort (or your "bottle of choice"), and I don't about YOUR route, but around here they're pretty funny about open containers!
Please give the family big hugs from me, and let them know I wish we were heading THAT way instead of the upcoming trip of doom to the in-laws!
Thanks for leaving me my first and only comment! It was very much appreciated!
Have fun on your trip home. You sound very prepared. Don't forget to say "I'll turn this car around!" a few times! Have fun!
Also, can you tell me how to get a website counter? I really want one of those! THanks!
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