I'm not sure HT was too thrilled with all these people being at his Grammy's house. It's usually just him and QM, so he was a little shocked to find a house full of people. Eventually he decided I was OK, even though I wouldn't let him pull Bitsy's face off (mean aunt that I am...but then his mom was mean that way too).
Saturday was beautiful! We couldn't have asked for a better day for HT's party. He got lots of goodies and love and icing. Axl cooked out & the kids ran in the field. Princess & Axl's friends came with their newly 2 year old girl. My kids took her off in the field to play & came back to report she'd kissed B.B. I said, "Lexa, are you kissin' my boy?" "Kiss 'dat boy," she answered to the delight of all the grown ups listening. Then B.B. snuck up through the crowd of people to give Lexa a flower he picked for her. It was precious. Her mama promised me copies of her pictures.
ter the party Pa cooked out while the kids decorated the picnic table with sidewalk chalk. More baths, good food, visiting, and Syd & BabyGirl put on a show for us. I found them in the living room "practicing yoga" on the pad BabyGirl had been sleeping on. They worked out a routine for us. It was hysterical. Syd informed us they were going to do ballet, but I could have sworn she said valet. "You're going to park our cars for us?" She thought I was crazy.
No one wanted to leave (least of all Syd) and no one wanted anyone to leave (least of all BabyGirl), but bedtime had come and gone hours before. They headed out and we crashed.
I wasn't ready to leave Sunday. I could've stayed a week or two longer. On the way home B.B. kept telling me he missed Grammy & Pa. Poor kid. Little did he know his mama wasn't handling leaving any better than he was.
I am home. I am tired. I am lonely. I am achy. I am worn thin. I am melancholy. The rain isn't helping. I love going home, but it can exacerbate my homesickness especially when it's a short, hectic trip like this one...but I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
It's funny how one can have two homes, isn't it? If only mine were closer together. But then, I guess I'm a little better off than Inkling. At least I have the option of "quick" trips home.
Sounds like you had a lovely time. I hope you are not too melancholy, sweetie. S
I am so glad it was a wonderful visit. Keep in mind that all the love and happiness that was there is still in your heart...just take it out, and polish it up a bit. You'll be ok honey!
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