September 14, 2007

Ode to a bounty hunter

Bubba sent me a gift this week. Boba Fett. I love him. Bubba picked him up at a comic/collectibles show at the mall. Very cool!

My name is FarmWife and I am a Star Wars fan. It's the first live action movie I remember seeing in the theater. I was probably 3 or 4 years old, and I was all about Princess Leia. I made QM put my hair up in buns on either side of my head. I made plans to marry Luke (with age came a change in I'm in love with Han Solo). Darth Vader had a leading role in my childhood nightmares. I love Star Wars.
I got Star Wars figures for my birthday and Christmas every year. I played with them right along side of my Fisher Price farm & school set. QM got me carpet squares to serve as the surface of Tattooine.
When Bubba came along I had to share my Star Wars toys with him. He mistakenly now believes they belong to him. Sorry, darlin'. Those are mine. If there are any duplicates, they are me. I'm five years older than you are & have much better recall. Oh, and he broke Princess Liea's head off. I cried for 3 days.
One year QM made me & Bubba costumes for Halloween. I was (of course) Leia. He, being not quite 2 years old, was a jawa. We ended up at Busha and Bucka's that year for trick-or-treating (2 1/2 hours from home), but Mama took us door to door in their neighborhood. I'd ring the bell & the little old ladies would coo over my baby brother dressed as a monk. "He's not a monk! He's a Jawa!!" I'd bark until QM stepped in and explained that not everyone was as obsessed with Star Wars as I was.
Yes, I am a dork. But it's all OK.


Anonymous said...

Lol..Aw...yes..And now my kids look at all 6 movies and say mom why are the last 3 movies looking so way bad compaired to the first three. What are you talking about they were the prime in their day?

Kork said...

tell them too bad, they still rock, and will be waaaay more classic than the 1st 3...besides, how can anything compare to hearing James Earl Jones as Darth Vader saying "Luke, I am your father" matter how cute some of the younger crowd seem to think what's-his-face as Anikin is.
I miss my Star Wars mom sold them all not realizing how much they'd be worth someday...and we had them all...