September 13, 2007

Everything you ever wanted to know about me...well, sort of.

My new Hot Mama friend Sarah is playing the interview game. We did this a few months ago with Zann, but as I am a closet egomaniac, I'm so into being interviewed! Here's the basics:

Leave me a comment saying “Interview me.” I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions. If you don’t have a valid email address on your blog, please provide one (or I will leave your questions in a comment box on your blog if you prefer). You will update your blog with a post containing your answers to the questions. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

Here are my questions from Miss Sarah:

1) If you were in a car accident right now, would you be embarrassed by your choice of undergarments? Not really. They're clean and there are no holes, so that's a plus...wait, I just realized that one side of my nursing bra is still unsnapped and it's been at least 20 minutes since Bitsy ate. Whoops. Maybe I should add new cute undergarments to my list of Hot Mama make over must haves. I'm getting a little tired of Hanes Her Way.

2) What tv character, past or present, do you identify with the most? Wow, that's a tough one. Lately I feel a good deal like Lois, the mother on Malcom in the Middle.
Lois: Drink your milk.
Dewey: It's lumpy.
Lois: Then chew it.
She's a smart alec, she's always frazzled and seriously sarcastic. She's trying to raise some very strange children & has no clue what she's doing, but she fakes it very well. That's how I feel at the moment.
Lois: Look at those Parker boys across the street. They may be healthy, but, honest to God, those are the ugliest little boys ever born. They look like boiled beets, don't you think? And those Henderson kids? They electrocuted their dog when they were trying to get free cable. How smart can they be? Just remember, any kid who makes fun of you is a creepy little loser who will end up working in a car wash.
Malcolm: This shouldn't make me feel better, but it does.

3) You just won a contest where your prize is $ be spent at a gas station convenience store! What will you buy? Jr. Mints...lots and lots of Jr. Mints. And Pepsi, and 15 of those plastic flip phones filled with candy to eat while hiding in the floor of my closet so I don't have to share with my kids (although I'm pretty sure that the candy tastes like old shoes, but hey, I have about $460 left at this point)...oh, and those really cool lighters they sell on the counter, and all the Jones Soda they have, and a large pizza (if it's the convenience store in our town)...but then if it's the Flying J, I'd get one of those portable DVD players and movies and books on CD and souvenir T-shirts, 'cause they have EVERYTHING at Flying J!! And Toffifay...OK, I'll stop now.

4) What is your favorite memory of your maternal grandmother? I have lots of memories of her (Busha). She and I are very close, we talk everyday...I think my favorite memory is from BabyGirl's first birthday party. I wanted Daddy to take some four generation pictures of our family and Husband's family while we were all there. We had taken some a few months prior, but they didn't turn out well.
We were all standing around talking and I said, "Daddy, I want you to take new fourth generation pictures today." Busha misheard and thought I said "nude fourth generation pictures."
We were both laughing hysterically with our arms around each others shoulders when Daddy snapped a picture of us. I have that picture & I love it! It isn't a "good" picture of the two of us, but it's a wonderful picture of the two of us.

5) How did you find out the truth about Santa? You know, I'm not sure I ever really believed in Santa. I always went to see him at the mall after Thanksgiving to tell him what I wanted. I always got presents from him. But I think I always "knew." I do remember getting in trouble in kindergarten for telling everyone that Santa wasn't real. Yes, I was that kid.

Good questions, Sarah!
Anyone up for an interview? I'm not promising my questions will be as good, but I'll try!


Slap Shot Skaught said...

interview me!
this should be interesting.

Sarah @ Ordinary Days said...

I love how you would just go nuts in a convenience store! You love some good candy, don't ya?
Thanks for answering my questions! :)

Sarah said...

Me me me Meme. (Again). I too am a closet egomaniac (with writer's block).

emily said...

Ooh! Pick Me! Pick Me!

(see I'm Donkey? from Shrek?)

Kork said...

Interview me!

FarmWife said...

Ok, Kork, but only if you start blogging! :) OK, Ok, I'll email you.

zann said...

Let's do it again, I'm always up for an interview- it gives me something to actually write.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Mmmmmm, Junior Mints, enough to last a lifetime.

I wanna play. . . interview me.

Kork said...

Only if I start blogging?!?!?!? Dang, I should have read this before I answered those questions...

CURSES! Now I must find a clever way to relate my life, and find a theme for a page...blast creativity and its hold on me...

Art the Omnipotent said...

Interview me, I'd like to see what there is for you to ask me about.