August 19, 2007

The Name Game

I've been tagged by Jackie, so brace yourself...I'm going to use my real life, actual middle name.

1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. You must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. *FarmWife rule: if you want to use your blog name, you may.*
3. When you are tagged, you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Knitting is one hobby I think I would like to take up. I say think because I've been threatening to learn to knit for years now (if you've been here long, you may have heard me say that in the past). But I'm pretty sure if I do take up knitting you will all be inundated with scarves as my skills will probably remain rather elementary.

Allergies are the bane of my existence and I'm sad to say I've passed them on to my children. I am lucky in that I suffer from no food or medicine allergies that I know of, but dust, mold, and pollen can knock me down flat.

Tea is my hot drink of choice. In college a friend made me a cup of tea complete with cream and sugar. Prior to that day the idea of hot tea was not appealing at all. Now I love it. Earl Gray is my favorite.

Hair creeps me out if it's not on your head. I cannot stand to see a trash can with hair in it that's been cleaned out of a drain or hair brush. I get this from my mother. She'll get physically ill watching someone clean out their hairbrush...and don't even get me started on the floors in a salon...ugh! But I have pretty long hair, so I may be my own worst enemy.

Locks of Love is the reason I have such long hair. After the birth of my first three children, I cut my hair off. It would get long during pregnancy and then drive me crazy when the baby was tiny, so I'd chop it off. About a year and a half ago I decided I should put my hair to good use as it grows fast. So I'm growing it as long as I can stand to get it and then I'm going to donate it to Locks of Love. I may make it another year before I chop it off...we'll see. But it's nice to have a goal.

Eggs, bacon, and cheese sandwiches have been a serious staple in my diet since Bitsy was born. It's a good thing we butchered our own hogs or my bacon habit might send us to the poor house...and it's too bad my hens stopped laying and most are now residing in my freezer. Oh well, I miss my fresh brown eggs, but can survive with white ones from the grocery.

Elephants are my favorite animal and you can tell that as soon as you walk into my living room. I collect elephants and have since I was 18. Some are packed away right now, but I still have quite a few on display. They make adorable figures but I really love them because they are so maternal and family group oriented. They fascinate me.

"No on can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~Elanor Roosevelt

Oh, boy...let's see...I tag:

The Queen Mother


Art The Omnipotent







Anonymous said...

LOL...I couldn't tag anyone..LOL

Inkling said...

Well, Farmwife Kathleen, I'd play, but alas am not up to giving myself a blog middle name. And I'm not using my real middle name on principle. But, I just might, later on, decide to play using the middle names of my favorite real life Inklings. They shouldn't mind, because they are all dead.

Lauren said...

Yay! I had a hard time deciding which of you to tag, so I picked Jackie, who I had not had opportunity to tag yet. Thanks for playing along!

needlefingers said...

Just name a time, send the kids out to do something constructive, and I'll have you knittin' up a storm. ;)