August 22, 2007

How do you spend your days?

Out of idle curiosity, I just counted the number of blogs in my favorite to take a guess?





Thirty-nine. Yeah...I'm a junkie. But in my defence, 12 of them are very rarely posted to...and the many of the others only post once or twice a week so it's not like I'm reading 39 posts every day. More like 15.


Lauren said...

I'm right there with ya...

emily said...

Oh i have a bunch too. And I just added a few more. But you're right, almost no one posts every single day.

Hope you're starting to feel better soon. Bitsy too!

The young kids rode the short bus too when I was a kid. I rode it and didn't know about the whole "short bus" thing until I was older.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Oh, you are definitely not alone in this obsession.

Unknown said...

I'm just glad I made it to your list !! S