School's Out For Summer! School's Out For-Ever!
OK, maybe not forever, but for a few months anyway. I'd love to say "now we get to sleep we get to enjoy the lazy we are responsibility free for 3 whole months" but that would be a lie. A big fat lie. Instead I can say, I no longer have to be the bed time Nazi. If we stay up 30 minutes later, it's not the end of the world as we know it. No more screaming matches to get out the door in the morning...except for Sundays...and Fridays to go to town. No more homework or papers to sign and send back in or lunches to pack or "oh crap! It's time to pick BabyGirl up from school & we're all still in our PJ's!" And no more scheduling our lives around school hours & holidays...sort of. At least not until August when we'll have first grade & pre-k to deal with.
I bought Bitsy something today. I think this is the first thing I've purchased for, wait, I did get her an "I heart my big sister" bib a few months ago. Today I bought her diapers and Dreft. I have a thing about Dreft. Next I plan on purchasing an entire set of Johnson & Johnson's Baby Bath & Lotion...Oh, that smell!!! But check out the diaper...that's Bitsy's laying next to B.B.'s. He wears a size 5. She'll wear a preemie at least for a few weeks (if she has the same total lack of a butt her mother & siblings have). I thought I should pick up a few packs over the next month in preparation. It's beginning to sink in just how soon she'll be here. I am not even slightly prepared. All her clothes are still packed away. Her cradle is full of stuff. The changing table top is under BabyGirl's bed. Lord, please don't let this baby come early!!
About a week ago Baby (B.B.'s cat, picture to the left) had kittens (picture to the right). She wasn't taking care of them, so Husband put
her in an old rabbit hutch for 2 days. She bonded with them & promptly hid them when he let her out. Husband found them the next day, and BabyGirl has dubbed herself protector of the kittens. She has to check on them daily & constantly asks if she can hold one. I've told her she has to wait until they open their eyes. But they are sweet. And we have two more cats that are though we didn't have enough cats already (8 before the kittens). Anyone need a cat? Anyone? Ragged....Needles....Art....Inkling... Bueller.....Bueller...Bueller...anyone?
I love your torti-calico. Your kittens look like balls of fuzz...I love when they are that little.
Have fun on Monday Morning sleeping in and enjoying not having to get up with an alarm clock. I'll be thinking of you as mine goes off. Ha Ha
Need a cat? Not with my allergies. But if they are of the non-shedding variety, perhaps I can sneak one into the luggage on our way back from WI without hubby noticing. Baby Bear would LOVE a cat.
Yeah, right... who am I kidding...
I saw a Mom toting a baby in a sling and a sign saying "Free Kitten" in the superstore parking lot. A set of parents and their little girl walked up to her, and she retrieved the gray kitties from her car. I thought of you.
And remembered that it might be grounds for divorce for me to bring home a kitten. Hubby likes kittens... just not the cats they turn into.
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