***While it is on my mind, STM had her Angel Baby yesterday morning. Both made it through delivery fine & doc was happy with what he found in regards to the tumor. But, I got this email this morning:
STM's Mom just called. She had to get on the nurses yesterday, concerning the pain STM was enduring. So, after getting somewhere, STM has 2 blood clots in her right lung, in the upper lobe. They have started giving her a blood thinner and her pain meds more frequently. The baby did test in such a way that she is at higher risk for Jaundice.
So they're still in need of prayers. I'll let you know more as I do.***
And now, on with the show....Today is #1 Son's fourth birthday. Four years ago today I was handed a beautiful bundle that looked a good bit like his Pa. Appropriate since they share a name. I was shocked that he wasn't a tiny duplicate of his sister (as QM was shocked when BabyGirl wasn't a tiny duplicate of me). That was the day I truly learned that the human heart has room in it for countless little people. The day I learned that love is boundless. The day I saw my BabyGirl take possession of her brother. The first time I was called Mama (until then BabyGirl called me 'Ba'). The first time she said the word 'mine' (her Pa asked if he could hold her new baby brother). The day our lives changed again.
#1 Son changed so much in our lives. He had some health problems & I had to learn to lean on the Lord more than I ever had in the past. He changed the dynamic of our lives completely. No longer could we focus entirely on BabyGirl. We were now responsible for 2 lives besides our own. He introduced me to the world of boys. Baby dolls & princesses have had to make room for superheros and dump trucks. He has made my life a richer one. He is the lover of our brood, always ready to hug and cuddle and kiss. He makes us laugh & keeps us thinking (how many times a day can a 4 year old ask 'Why?'). I love you, #1 Son!
If you're feeling brave (or need a reason to procrastinate) you can go back & read about his birth & the lead up to it.
As for the cake, he has asked for the same cake for the past 3 birthdays (I kid you not, the first one he asked for was for his second birthday...he talked early). All he wants is a chocolate cake with green icing. This year he added sprinkles to the wish list. I'm glad he's happy with something so simple. I am not Nan...I cannot form a pirate ship out of cake, ding-dongs, and pretzel sticks. I'm doing good if I don't destroy the cake while icing it.
Happy Birthday #1 son!
My Mom always made us simple cakes. I can't get them even, but I do hope to start making Bear's cake starting this year.
Happy Birthday to my "oldest" (if you can count four as being old) grandson. The boy is ALL boy! I can't wait until it's "beatin time" again. Have a wonderful day and always remember that your Pa loves you! I am glad you are "done being three."
This is so lovely Farm Wife. Green cakes and birthdays and being thankful for all these beautiful things is what life is all about. Take care, lovely girl. S
Happy Birthday #1 Son..I wish you the happiest birthday in your short 4 years of life, and I wish you even grander birthdays in the years to come!! Hugs
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