May 28, 2007

The Adventures of Mr. "And Anyway"

So far, things are a little better today. But then it's only 8:13 in the morning. I'm keeping my head up & hoping for the best.

Few things: STM is home with her Angel baby (who is beautiful. I saw pics today. She has SO MUCH HAIR!!!! I am thoroughly jealous. I hope Bitsy has some...just enough for a bow...all my babies have had fuzz...I want some Bucka's). And I've recently been in contact with a friend from long ago youth group (by way of Lauren). Jackie just started blogging again & so far, I'm impressed. She also has 4 small babies, so her adventures remind me of my own. Go check her out! One post nearly made me cry, the other made me laugh out loud.

OK, now on to our adventures...Oh, but first, much thanks to Uncle E who swept my kids off to his house yesterday afternoon so I could have a rest. I didn't actually nap, but I did veg out for a while. It was nice.

Last week, when Unkie Di came over & took BabyGirl to go farming, she was in the boys' room while they were (supposed to be) picking up their toys. I heard #1 Son ask her "What's that" and she was explaining something to him. What ever it was, it didn't satisfy him. When I walked in the room he was still insistent to know "what's that?" After a few tries (her shirt, the flowers embroidered on her shirt, looking for a spot) it hit me what he was pointing at. "Those are Unkie Di's bosoms, Bub." "Well, why does she got them?" "All girls have bosoms." "Yeah, boys do too." Then B.B. pipes in, "I don't!"

Yesterday she & Uncle Gick stopped by to drop off a book #1 Son left in their camper during his sleep over. We were all standing in the kitchen talking when #1 Son started his newest "I don't know what to say so I'm going to spout random facts" thing. The facts are usually proceeded by "And Anyway..." He was running around in his underpants (he'd shed his shorts after church but didn't put anything back on) when he walked up to me & Unkie Di, exclaimed, "And Anyway, I have a penis," and pulled his shorts down to show us. Unkie Di, well versed in the way of little boys, said, "Why yes you do." And then I had to have a brief conversation with my son about keeping private parts private. At least he didn't do it during Sunday School.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww...yes the private parts talk..And don't they pick the darnedest times to bring up those private parts..