March 30, 2007

Little Bits of Info.

5 Minutes for Mom is giving away a new Dyson slim! That totally rocks and thanks to Lauren for linking and showing us the way. Go by and check them out. You link to enter & you just may win. Pretty cool, huh? And the new slim only weighs 15 lbs (I know Cate/Nan had issues with the weight of hers).

You also need to go catch up with Grace if you haven't in the past day or two. She is in the hospital and Inkling and Smart Guy are trying to keep us all updated. Her Crohn's is no longer in remission and has gone so far to create a need for surgery (which she had last night).

BabyGirl has yet another ear infection. Can we take our names off the list for ear infections? To whom it may concern, we request you no longer call us with random credit card offers, long distance carrier changes, or pediatric ear infections.

Art has had a tough week followed by a totally rockin' surprise yesterday!!! It's not up to me to share the details (and I'm not sure she will), but I can say that God has blessed her in the past 24 hours & that girl needed it. If you think of her & her brood, please pray. There are issues with SP (but then when aren't there?).

Princess and HT are coming to visit me at Easter...actually they're going to G'ma M&M's for Easter, but stopping by here on the way! I'm working on HT's Easter basket (I promised him one if he'd come see me). I'll have to post it when it's full.

I hand basted the zipper into THE DRESS last night. I have to sew it in, set sleeves, and hem it. Think I can manage that in the next week.

Storms are rolling in and threatening to ruin our weekend...not that we had plans, but Lilly freaks when it storms. The thought of a hyper, nervous, strung out fox terrier all night isn't appeasing.

Bubba is taking Princess out tonight. I so wish I could go!!! I can't say what they're going to do yet as it is a surprise & I'd hate this to be the one post in 6 months she actually reads.

Oh, and if you live around here, it's free movie weekend at Movie Gallery. I think it only applies to older movies, but you can rent one a day for the next 3 days for free.

Hope you have a fabulous Friday!


Brando said...

Maybe we get some movies. Thanks!

Lauren said...

I actually found out about the contest from Steph at Olive Tree...