March 29, 2007

Getting There...

Progress is being made on THE DRESS. I still have to set the sleeves and zipper, baste down the inside band and hem it. I got very little accomplished yesterday due to a low fever and sore throat (short lived as I feel much better this morning).

The puppies are going up for sale. The kids won't be happy, but I'm glad we won't have to feed them much longer. I printed off 2 pictures of them and we're going to post them at the vet's office and the local farm supply store (Rural King). As there are only 3 pups I don't want to have to run an ad in the paper. It doesn't seem worth it. We'll have to wait and see if we get any calls. $400 for an AKC registered Great Dane is a pretty good price so hopefully we'll have them sold soon.

I've finished the inside band. One less thing to to.
I just wanted to note that I've still been reading everyone's blogs, but I've been doing it through feeds so I haven't commented lately. I'm just to tired to wait for the pages to down load...heck, I'm too tired for most normal activity at the moment.
BabyGirl was sent home from school today. She threw up on herself and her nap mat at rest time. I was surprised as she usually makes it to the trash can at least. When I picked her up, she threw up in the van & I discovered there was no forewarning. None. Just puke. Ugh! But she seems to be feeling better now (bouncing around the living room singing, asking for Oreo's, watching videos).
Oh, and chili can stain white dog fur orange. B.B. proved that last night when he dumped his on Lilly's head, the table, himself, the highchair, the floor, and then smooshed it all around while I sat on the couch nursing my fever & sore throat.
And #1 Son had his preschool screening today. He did just fine except for the hearing test (which he failed). "Mommy, they put these things on me and said I'd hear ducks, but there weren't any ducks." Tubes can't come soon enough.


Lauren said...

Beautiful! I am so impressed that you can sew-- especially a silky fabric!!!!!!

I'm debating whether or not I should learn to sew by hand, since a sewing machine is not in my budget for at least a few months.

I hope you find deserving homes for the pups soon! If we had a yard, I would try to talk hubby into one. Maybe I can work on my parents. They have plenty of space. (Don't hold your breath... I think they are glad to be free of dog-care responsibilities.)

Nan said...

The dress is so pretty...and the color looks the same as the one my DIL chose for Cath's wedding. It's kind of "eggplant". I love it.

anonymous jones said...

Oh, you poor thing; chilli, puke, what next?! Have a cuppa tea!

Anonymous said...

my oh need a day at the spa. Hope you feel better. Are you catching my sore throat?