March 27, 2007

Dream for an Insomniac

I can't sleep.  I'm not even a little bit tired.  Not ever.  I have laid there & laid there.  Why can't I just get up and sit with you?  (Just to clarify, this is usually said after 5 minutes of laying in bed yelling, crying, talking to herself, or whistling which is her new talent.)
I especially can't sleep until after you and Daddy go to bed.  Never.  I'm always awake until after you and Daddy are both in bed sleeping.
You don't understand, I can never sleep.  I lay in bed all night and don't sleep.  I'm awake all night. 
If this is true, then who's laying in there snoring?  And why is some one who "can never sleep" so stinking hard to wake up in the morning?  And while we're hoping a ride on this train, why do any of them even own pillows?  Seriously, no one is ever on them after they've been unconscious for 30 minutes.


Anonymous said...

oldest and bugaboo would like me to believe they never sleep but I had to take pictures for proof. Then a tape recorder or digital camera with sound to prove they snore. Hmmmm???

Ooooopppppsssssss Didn't mean to give you any ideas or hints there..

Nan said...

Eliza has a hard time getting to sleep too. She needs Lots of stories. Andy just needs a backrub, and Robbie his comforter and they're out.