February 13, 2007

A word on poop and today's toddler.

Is it possible that my little Hobbit may be suffering from diaper aversion? He refuses to leave a diaper on once he's done his business (not that I blame him), but he also refuses to inform me before shucking said diaper wherever he may be. B.B., where is your diaper? "Sissy's room." Why? "Me poop." Why didn't you come tell mommy? "Cause. Me take it off." Then he streaks away laughing maniacally. I have been hunting poop for at least a month now.

You'd think someone so opposed to a nasty diaper would instead use the potty chair...but no. He'd much rather hide under the kitchen table, poop, and deposit the offending diaper in some one's bedroom. He also sees no need in standing still long enough for me to clean him up. This often results in me chasing him through the house, shrieking like a banshee (both of us), with a baby wipe in one hand while the other grasps at the air where he used to be until I wrestle him down in the hall and try to keep his dirty butt off the carpet as I scrub away.

All I want is a "Mommy, me pooped," while the diaper is still securely fastened around his little bottom. Really, is that too much to ask?


Grace said...

Oh poop!!!! There's nothing like someone else's kid's poop stories to make for good birth control!!!

Lauren said...

Funny you should mention that. My daughter tends to poop bb's. You'd think she'd be unomfortable. It's amazing how much stink even little packages can hold. :-( She has just begun tugging at her diaper.. or better yet, finding a clean one and chasing me with it when she is dirty. She's not quite derobing herself yet. Though she fights getting dressed more every day.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

I don't have your new e-mail address, so send a quick one to me so that I can give you a heads up on the CD.


Nan said...

THat is the funniest description.

The first time Eliza peed in the potty for me, she turned around with this amazed look on her face and said, "I make water!"

So cute.