February 1, 2007

Oh Boy...or Girl...

I didn't have to get up until 6...B.B. couldn't find his penguin so he woke me up at 5:15...knowing a return to bed would prove fruitless (after laying there for 10 minutes with Husband snoring lightly and my mind spinning) I decided to get up and brew a pot of decaf & blog instead. Time better spent this cold, cold morning. There is a dusting of snow...Hopefully it won't get worse and the roads will be clear.

Actually I slept pretty well considering I'm going to get a peek into my own uterus this morning. I would be lying if I said I was not at least a little nervous about this trip. Knowing the sex of the baby will be nice...knowing the sex of the baby could open a big messy can of worms with my daughter. Seeing the baby is always fun. The news I get from ultrasounds has the potential to be frightening. I know one way or the other, God has his hand on this, so why am I worrying? There's nothing I can do about it. It's not like I'm Anne Boleyn facing beheading if the baby is the "wrong" gender...I'm only facing the wrath of a 5 year old girl. Maybe that's worse.

I was trying to discuss the issue with BabyGirl Tuesday night. Things did not go well. "I know it's a girl because we don't have one of those yet." That was her answer to everything. I tried explaining that she really wanted H.T. to be a girl, but he isn't and we still love him. "Yeah, but that's just 'cause he's so cute! If he grows up to be bad, I won't like him so much anymore. If our baby is a boy, he could grow up to be bad if you don't teach him just right. And you're not such a good teacher. I'm bad sometimes 'cause you didn't teach me right and sometimes you yell at me." Leave it to a 5 year old to make you feel 3 inches tall...and confused at the same time.

Please pray for a little peace of mind for this Farm Wife.

And Oh, Dear Lord, some woman gave birth to a 14 pound baby yesterday!!!!!!!!! FOURTEEN POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!! 14...14...14...it was a c-section, but still...14...14...14...


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Let us know how the appointment goes! On pins and needles here.

zann said...

Praying for your appointment and peace of mind (for both you and Babygirl). Can't wait to know the verdict!!!

Lauren said...

Praying for you! Can't wait to hear the results... that is if you'll share them with us, of course. :-)

Lauren said...
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Brando said...

Good luck!!! I am so excited for you all!!!