January 3, 2007

First Hunting Trip

After Husband came in from doing his chores this morning, Baby Girl came out of her room dressed in her camouflage shirt (that she swore she'd never wear), green khaki pants, and B.B.'s bucket hat from the zoo. When we asked what she was doing, she said she was getting ready to go hunting with her dad. Husband jumped at the idea and dug out his b.b. gun. I was cleaning up the kitchen and was greeted with, "Mommy, Daddy's taking us hunting in the woods for deer and coyotes! We're going to shoot them with the b.b. gun!" Needless to say, this gave me pause. Husband caught up with Baby Girl and #1 Son (who was all for this adventure) and said, "First we're going to practice hunting in the yard...one kid at a time." I felt much better about this idea.

He got out his camo coat (because Baby Girl insisted you must wear camo to hunt) and an empty milk jug, took Baby Girl (who didn't want to put her coat on over her camos because then the deer would see her), and headed into the side yard. They put the milk jug on an old stump, stood about 15 yards away, and shot it with the b.b. gun. Of course Little Annie Oakley is a crack shot. "I winned every time I shot that gun, Mommy!" I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that her daddy was holding, aiming, and firing the gun as she stood with him.
Of course if Baby Girl goes hunting with Daddy, #1 Son and B.B. must also hunt. If you ask B.B. what he did he'll tell you he hunted rocks in the yard. Not sure what he was shooting at, but obviously not the same thing his dad was. B.B. was more interested in knocking the milk jug off the stump when they went to check their marksmanship.


Ragged Around the Edges said...

I keep thinking about the scene in A Christmas Story. . . you'll shoot your eye out.

Lauren said...

great, just great. now my hubby thinks he can give our daughter a gun when she's in jindergarten. the problem is, he doesn't hunt. and we don't have room to shoot bb guns around here. well, technically we do, in the part of the neighborhood that's not developed, but that's one way to get the cops called.
i'm all for responsible gun use, but the thought of my child touching one terrifies me. maybe when she turns 16, she can go to great gramma's farm in wi and have her first shooting lesson. of course, a bb gun is a lot different then what he has a permit to carry concealed when/if he feels the need. he wouldn't let her handle that anytime soon.