The Doctor we saw was a little on the nervous side. He seemed to be one who was uncomfortable with other people in general. I felt bad for him, but also thought, "You wanted to be a Doctor. You have to deal with people." House he was not. He looked in Baby Girl's ear (after I told him "It's an ear infection," to which he replied, "She has an ear ache?" "No, she has an ear infection.") and said "She has a bullous myringitis. I only see 4 or 5 of these a year." WHAT? !?! More information please! He finally seemed to realize he had just scared the living daylights out of me and said, "It's basically a blister on her eardrum." Caused by the infection. He prescribed Pediazole 1 &1/2 tsp. twice a day for 7 days. Never been on this one. He didn't think I should give her Motrin because it could upset her stomach when she's on antibiotic. I said it never has, and she's always taken it with her antibiotic. He wasn't thrilled with it, but said I could try it.
By this time she'd been almost 7 hours without pain killer and it was starting to show. Doc went to fill out the paperwork to discharge us, and Baby Girl fell apart. She began crying and moaning and clutching at her ear and writhing all over the place. She wasn't just hurting, she was in agony. I asked if she wanted to lay down and she jumped at the chance. I put her on the gurney and she immediately curled up and tried to go to sleep. I decided to give her the Motrin then, forget waiting. She took it, and within 45 minutes she was a different kid. I feel so bad for her.
She's crashed out in the arm chair watching Ant Bully waiting until 3 when she can have Tylenol. Husband and I have to discuss tubes. He's not thrilled with the idea (not that I am), but we have to at least look into it.
I hope little one begins feeling better an no reactions from the new meds. Son had tubes in his ears for almost 7 years. (It was the same set of tubes) He rarely gets an ear infection now.
Hope you were able to catch up on your sleep..
Poor baby!! Poor you!! I hope everything's getting better!!
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