December 27, 2006

New Babies!

Meet Milo & Otis.*** They're the baby pygmy goats Husband and Baby Girl picked up this morning. We'd seen an ad for them in the paper on Saturday, but when we called on Sunday we were told they were going to a man today. I left our number in case he didn't show. We got the call this morning that the man didn't come after them, so Husband & Baby Girl loaded the pet porter up and headed out. They were back within a few minutes with these sweeties. Milo is the white one, Otis is the black and white spotted one.

Just think, Temera, you could get a pygmy goat and house break it! Wouldn't your husband love that?!

I guess this means it's time for our new critter count:
7 pygmy goats- Cosmo, Wanda, Timmy, Bluebell, Fiona, Milo, & Otis
6 ducks- only the rouen's have names: Ricky & Lucy
about 20 chickens- all the hens are Cinderella, the roosters are Papa Doc, Mussolini, and King George (the mad chicken)
3 Great Danes- Luke, Aurora, & Bonpas
1 Mini- Dachshund- Andrew
1 Wire haired Fox Terrier- Lilly May
2 nameless gold fish
1 Turkey- Sheen
2 Guinea Pigs- Ben & Alex (one met an early demise)
1 Wild Rabbit Beffie (Husband's cousin) caught for us
1 Horse- Lightning
1 Cow- Tinkerbell
1 Steer- Larry-Boy
9 cats- Coco, Vanilla, Greenie, Baby, Larry-Boy, and 4 nameless kittens
Bringing our total to 56 critters...way down from last summer, but much more manageable...and pigless.

Husband and I have been picking out our poultry for the spring order. I think we've settled on some Standard Bronze turkeys, some more Rouen ducks, Black Giant chickens, and Light Brahma chickens. I'm very excited. I had settled on more Buff Orpingtons, but Husband wasn't so sure. The chicken breeds we've picked are heavy breeds and good layers. The hens can hit 10 pounds! They're supposed to be gentle and good setters. We'll see.


Inkling said...

I just read your livestock count outloud to my hubby and found myself using the cadence of the 12 days of Christmas. Wonder if that means anything. Maybe next time I'll try.....Pregnant Farmwife had a farm, e-i-e-i-o, and on that farm she had 56 critters, e-i-e-i-o, with a husband here and three children there, e-i-e-i-o.....

needlefingers said...

We had just been wondering what the current count was. And I think last year, chickens were bumping up the numbers too, weren't they?

I think you're seriously missing sheep and alpacas.