December 7, 2006

Coco the Traveling Cat

Tonight was Baby Girl's Christmas program at school. She was the most fabulous reindeer I've ever seen! She sang every word, did every motion, and some how stayed awake through an hour long program that started 20 minutes before her bed time. It was sweet. The elves were trying to start a show in Branson to keep Santa's work shop funded...hence "We're going to Branson."

Husband, the Boys, Uncle E, SIL & her two youngest, my mom, & I all watched the preformance together. Then Husband took Baby Girl and went home. Uncle E and his youngest J. helped Mama & Me load up the boys in our van to go home. When I opened the van door I found myself face to face with Coco, Baby Girl's black cat.

This is the second time I've found Coco in my van as I was trying to leave. It was the first time we've taken her anywhere. The boys and I were going to get Baby Girl after school earlier this week when we opened the door to Coco perched on top of the car seat. I just can't figure out how we got all the way to school without noticing she was in the van.

We've spent all day at Busha and Bucka's playing with H.T. and Princess...all except the trip to take #1 Son to the doctor. I was in the back of the house when Mama yelled, "When was the last time someone checked #1 Son's glands?" I said probably the last time he was sick...Why? She said I'd better look for myself. They were HUGE. I've never seen anything like it. If you looked for it, you could see them from across the room. I freaked out a bit & called the Doctor. They got us in at 3 & long story short, #1 Son has a virus. He's had no other symptoms so their best advice was to let it run it's course, and give him Motrin to bring down the swelling. If he gets worse, isn't better in 2-3 weeks, or develops something else I'm to call them back. A little freaky and unsettling...but he acts just fine.

H.T. is growing so quickly! He's already graduated from his premie clothes to 0-3 months...and he's so cute in his Christmas onesies! Baby Girl is smitten.


Brando said...

Sound like a great day was had by all! Aren't the school programs the best:)

Yuri's is next week.

Ragged Around the Edges said...

Uhoh, huge glands can't be good. Here's hoping he's on the mend.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE kids' Christmas plays. It's not Christmas for me if I don't see one. I bet she was adorable.

Hope #1 son is better soon, too.