July 1, 2006


I must apologize for the glitch... I'm not sure what happened. Mama told me my page was blank a few days ago, but it took me a while to get to a computer to fix it. I'm still not sure what happenedbut I think I've fixed it.

It's been a long week. Dead battery in Husband's truck which left me sans van most of the week...crazy, wound up children...and it's hot! Really hot. Due to #1 Son's skin problems I can't have him outside until it's good and shady. That can make for really long days stuck in the house. And B.B. has learned to take off his diaper. I'm a tad tired of being handed poop.

B.B. also had a farm boy first this week. He attempted to eat chicken poop. I don't think he liked it because he was spitting and crying when I got to him. Poor baby.

The kids have all aquired kittens in the past 2 weeks. Baby Girl named her 2 cats Coco ( a black and brown female) and Vanilla (a "banana baby food" colored male). B.B.'s is named Baby because he can say it. And # 1 Son named his kitten Greenie. No, it isn't green...hmmm.

Husband is off work for a few days and we're thrilled to have him around. Now the real trick is keeping him in the house...I don't see it happening. Have a happy 4th!


Ragged Around the Edges said...

Glad to see you back up! Sorry we didn't connect while I was in your neck of the woods. It was a bit of a whirlwind trip.

zann said...

It is nice to not come check a blank page anymore. Glad your back up and running.